Last weekend I was a Non Skating Official for the Pacific North West Open Scrimmage. Isla came down early and helped setup. She played hard for the women's derby as well as the co-ed derby (co-ed derby is brutal... first time penalty tracking for me and the guys were chocking up major penalties left right and centre). Isla Eatyobabies was lovely, community minded, friendly and fierce on the track.
She let me take a photo of her butt. Had to take this photo - hot pink, kick assitude, baby eating. Meant to post it up last week, but today makes it more significant. Aveline's been dead for 4 years, but every time I see something that would make her smile it adds a sweetness to the moment, a little sad as well, but mostly joy. Aveline would have been a kick arse Roller Derby Terror on the Track. She is missed, but I reckon she would be proud of us and new things come into the world that she would love.
It seems fitting that on her anniversary I'm going to see the premiere of a play of mine that is an Apocalyptic Time Travel Web Help Forum Comedy.