Recording progress and other unrelated whining

Feb 26, 2006 20:54

Mimesis: complete, tranfering to mp3, posting on the Myspace tomorrow.

I like this one. No, I REALLY like this one. I actually messed around with some settings and managed to make the guitars sound much cleaner this time around; granted, I would prefer a heavier, more refined sound, but since everything is crystal clear for once, I decided to make use of it until I can find a better sound. I'm a little pissy about my soloing being kind of sloppy lately, but I haven't really had enough time to put into practicing so all I can do it refine it as I go... but still, I don't wanna suck anymore. :(

At any rate, midterms are up. I have 2 on Monday, and 2 on Tuesday, and GUESS WHAT? IN THE GRAND DANNY TRADITION, I HAVE NOT STUDIED A SINGLE BIT! KNOWLEDGE IS POWRR!

In reality, Monday's midterms aren't too bad. First up, is my Japanese Kanji test, and I already learned most of the Kanji, so a review will suffice. Then, my Japanese Culture midterm which consists of word and name recognization, and a movie criticism. No big deal, really. I should be okay.

Tuesday is the Math for Retards midterm (cake) and the Evolution of Jazz midterm (also cake, I'm lead to believe).

Dragon Quest VIII has the fucking nicest music. The game itself isn't bad at all, but god DAMN the music is massively well done.
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