***Basic Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.**
1: I masturbate before I sleep. Even if I've already fucked or something, it kinda helps me sleep better.
2: I also tend to eat something before I sleep as well. Force of habit, no real reason.
3: Whenever I have a hard time deciding between two equally good outcomes of anything at all, I flip a coin to decide. Whether I actually listen to the coin in the end depends on whim.
4: When I recieve or create a task, I give it a priority from 1-10 in my head. If the priority is 10, I take it completely seriously. If the priority is from 3-9, I'd likely wait until the last possible minute to do it, do a half-assed job, or both. If the priority is 1 or 2, I usually end up ignoring or forgetting it altogether.
5: Whenever I'm playing a fighting game, and I land a combo or setup (for those not into video games, this means I just kicked someones ass), I tend to scratch my nose.
EDIT: I forgot to tag people... and I'm still too lazy to, so if you care, you're tagged.
Edit THE SECOND: The above still stands, but Freddie is tagged because he won't leave me alone till I do. =P
EDIT THE THIRD: Fuck. Okay, I tag David S, Jon, Freddie, Andres (who probably never reads this), and big Dave (that means you, Revdave).
"Oh no! The dead have risen, and they're voting Republican!"