オレの名前を言ってめら!(15 questions for time wasting purposes stolen from Freddie)

Apr 10, 2007 17:48

1. Where is your cell phone? - In my pocket.
2. Describe your boyfriend? - Big, blonde, and currently wearing an eye patch. =P
3. Your hair? - Long, brown, currently a little dry, otherwise flowy and beautiful. OOHOHOHOHOHOHO!
4. Your mother? - Hardheaded, stern, somewhat old fashioned but otherwise the shit.
5. Your father? - From what I can recall, he was pretty much the exact opposite of me, despite our similar appearance.
6. Your favorite item? - Amber (Schecter C1 Classic, guitar # 5 of 7). =P
7. Your dream last night? - Dunno. Probably something pervy.
8. Your favorite drink? - Sunkist, and fountain coke.
9. Your dream car? - Something comfy and with an air conditioner.
10. The room you are in? - The game room at FIU surrounded by people playing Magic.
11. Your ex? - Outside of the fact that she couldn't just admit she was breaking up with me because she was more interested in other women, as well as some of the other stupid shit she did, she was pretty much my ideal chick.
12. Your fear? - Failure, extreme heights, and drowning.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? - Not where I am now.
14. Who did you hang out with last night? - Me, myself, and the Armored Core 4 PS3 demo. :(
15. What you're not? - A lot of things.
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