(no subject)

Jun 03, 2011 14:14

I am sorry for not being on here for some days now, I am finally getting to where I was missing all of this writing and living and laughing, and etc...!

I am still not getting along with my husband, though I am back in the house now....I am just so unsure with this....I mean he is a good guy most of the time....and yet I think we are both so stubborn because we got married so young. I was 19, and he was 18. We BOTH need to grow up. All I want is to talk and there isn't any reason why communication should be a problem, it should be "key" in a relationship. I sigh now because I just dont know..I really don't.

On a lighter note, this week has been my vacation, it has been nice even though I havent gotten half as much done as I had liked to have gotten done, but thats ok. Its been nice just to releax and have some fun.

Hannah is NOT a t-baller that is for sure! I mean everyone keeps telling me that 4 year olds are just learning and its cute to watch. She loves to have her turn at bat, but then she sits down in the outfield picking flowers and hates to run after the ball. Heck she hates to run period, she walks the bases instead, and I know that she loves to run, she can not hide that from me at all!

I really would like to start a short story or something. I have so many ideas and just need to get on the ball. because I love to write but seem to never have any time, and this week would have been perfect to get started on it!

I would love eveyone on here to look up Coltan and Zara, they have such positive happy music. I have several friends who are country fans, or even rap and rock fans, but they all admit that their music is great, and a little catchy! I love Mr and Mrs. Davy!!!! They are the awesomest!

Well peace for now, I have to go get my eggs started for the sandwhiches tomorrow. We will be having my father in laws memorial service then.

Love always!
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