May 16, 2005 07:43
I went out on a date with Bryan all day yesterday -- We met on lol -- Let me tell you.. He's awesome.
We did so many things, even swimming -- and had pizza. He went home at 9 -- and he got lost.. because he got distracted on his cellphone =x [not my fault, psst ;] But he got home okay. Right now we're talkin.. he's implying he had a good time ;D I guess that's a good thing, lol..
But the bad thing is -- when I was on the potty, my dad told Bryan no hanky panky or he'd throw him out... so Bryan has gotten a bit more nervous.. and I didnt know about this until he told me on his cell.. on the road! Omg.. I'd so kick my dad's ass for saying that. That's fucking lame. I wouldn't do no such a thing under his roof and especially in front of my child -- Ugh.
As you see, I seriously need my own place.