The G.B.G...

Feb 16, 2005 23:11

I was presented with a Book called "The Complete Magick Curriculum of The Secret Order G.'.B.'.G.'." by Louis T. Culling

What I find interesting about it is that it is basically everything I used to do on my own. As a learning/practicing Magickian I found that with all the reading and books I simply needed to go on my own and develop what came to me. I worked things out in my mind and developed and wrote my own initiations, rituals, and more. I developed it to the point of group work.

I read through this book and it amazed me how similar it was to what I had done on my own. What is funny is the first robe I ever made reminded me of a potato sack! It disappeared during a move, as things do, but I have to say, I never once really missed. I would like to have it back as a sort of marker of my of my progess.. not too mention, something I could show off and share some good laughs with! What's interesting though is that in the Book there are pictures of poeple with the same style Robe! Talk about bizzar.. I always felt that I was sharing a link during my work that I called the current. For instance, I wrote a paper to myself on a level of development I termed "The Human of Truth". 5 years later I was introduced to Nema who used the term Homoveritas.. go figure.

This all got me thinking, and I do this often, about my stance on Initiation. I am in love with the process of magickal initiations and the transgression of the mundane to the spiritually elightened. To me, initiation process if the Alchemical Couldren of the Self. My stance however goes to the old argument, if you read the script of an initiation before you take, does it change the effect. No matter how many arguments I have heard. No matter how many well thought out perspectives I have experienced. No matter how many years go by. I just can't agree with how it doesn't. Poeple who are made aware of what is about to happen prior to it happening is just too obvious of a thing. I have traveled the journey of coven/mason/magickal order and I still go back to my stance. I agree it matters not and you will gain more possibly, if you know what you are going through. However knowing what is about to occur is so different a subject.

Further more, and this is a rant, I run into people all the time who are pushing rituals on others and I think to myself, are you really so ignorant as to think you are being wise by doing this? I don't get angry as it is not my place to stop them from their so called "work" however, I pity the pushers of this material. Has life offered them nothing more? Are they simply the scorpion stinging everyone around them in order to take others down with them along their soon to be forgotten path? Mind you, when I say Pity I don't say it lightly. Rant over..

I try to role model my views on the subject. I am a bit of an intiation junky I must be honest. I wish the experience on everyone who can find it. It is a golden opportunity and with the correct mind frame it can change a person in ways both profound and subtle.
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