Jan 28, 2005 08:07
I have been busy, busy, busy.. Finished my workout program.. I think it went great. It was well worth the effort. I think we are secure on the new home. Everything seems to be in place and I can't see anything left to do, other then wait. We close on Feb 28th.
I have never had so many offers to help move, of course the proof will be when the day arrives. Still it is nice to have offers. I wonder if this has anything to do with the Jacuzzi?
There is a local couple interested in Thelema. They showed up to some events. They are really cool. She is a massage therapist, named L. L came over last night and she gave me a full on massage. It was my first one. Today I am a bit sore and from what she told me this is a good thing. She uses 11 different modalities, one being deep tissue. We are setting up a regular schedule. I think this is going to be a great thing to have in conjunction with Yoga and Gung fu martial arts. I want to increase flexibility is certain areas of my body to give me more movement that I never expressed. So that means training parts of my body I never really used and retraining parts of my body that are not used to moving that way. I want to shoot for flexibility and flow. I am hoping to focus on increasing my snake movements.
So I have 2 toys still wrapped up ready to move, my Jacuzzi and my Mok Jong or wooden dummy! I can't wait to set up the wooden dummy! I can't believe how patient I have been with it. I think about it often and I feel the pull to just go stand and look at it. But I maintain for now. Soon enough the time with come.
Californians are moving to Tucson in hordes lately. It is kind of interesting. There is a wind of change happening everyday. This could mean good things are coming, which of course means negative things will increase as well. I feel like I should get a social surf board and watch the waves and change to see which wave is a good wave to catch.
I have been getting ready for Feast of the Stars. The cross quarter feasts have been one of the greatest groups rituals. I am very thankful that Br. D put those up for us. We have gotten so much use and direction from them. It gives a us, as a newly established body, ideas of what can be done. They are a definite learning tool.
Arizona OTO is rocking at the moment. Things are looking up and going better then ever. I feel that the future is bright and anything negative in the area is shrinking away. We are established and moving ahead full steam. This is going to be a great trip for us all... I for one am looking forward to it.
The day before Yesterday I got some GREAT NEWS!!!!!.. nough said.
Work sucks.. the state made more changes.. stupid ones.. of course.. They cut funding to placements while the clients are actually physically staying at the placement. In other words.. they thought that if a client goes on an overnight visit why should they pay for a placement? Sounds logical until you think about the idea that the need for placement is very high, the main focus is stability, and when they start doing this it does not benefit an agency to hold spots open. Why would I hold my now empty bed that is losing me hundreds of dollars by the day when it could be filled with someone who doesn't go on visits. Our goal is reunification of clients with family, however when they start the process, we will need to kick them out or suck up the lost revenue. This is one of the stupidest moves to make and it will impact families, agencies, clients, and eventually the state. I wonder if you have to have your head up your ass before you apply for a job that allows you to make decisions like that? Or does it come with practice?