Alrighty so here we have a fanart for the fanfiction
Do I Dare Disturb the Universe by frkmgnt that..I'm sorry to say...took me over a year to finish....Yeeeeeah, I kinda got frustrated with the bed perspective and gave up on it after a while ;__;. I'm ashamed. You can also find it here on my
deviant art page And for the record, the main pairing in this fiction is between SNOW and Lightning, not SAZH and Ligthning. You can find out why she's kissing Sazh's cheek if ya read the story. And I would totally reccomend that you did. :)
The head of this picture is my avatar. It's just a lady in a dress that I would like to wear to a convention one day. I kinda have a thing for ancient egyptian monarch clothing :3