My second job: Fangirling

Nov 21, 2010 20:08

Another random post before I cut off my internet connection to focus on my reading for my TPN and ward viva.
This weekend surely flies. I planned so much but did so little. *sigh* Procrastinator is in da house, y'all  -_-;;

Another week off for this year to finish everything in my plate would be real nice considering how many holidays I still have this year.
End of 2010 resolution: Finish all the time off I acquire working night and weekend shift this year itself. 60+ hours ain't no joke.

Btw, a friend of mine drop by this weekend. Another person that I'd converted to become a hardcore Arashi fan. Even her sisters are getting hooked on *cackles evilly*
There's a lot of rainbow sparkles to go around right?So, why not?
This is essential in case Arashi ever came by to Malaysia and we fans have to get as many people as possible to convince them to have a con here.

Anyway, she's a huge Sho fan and some of her love went to dearest Nino as well. She can still tolerate Jun and Riida but too bad she's not into Aiba-chan at all.
I know that my favorite is not Aiba but I love everyone in the group equally (except for Nino-he's special).
Five of them will always be Arashi in me no matter what. And dorky but genius Aiba holds a special place in my heart, even though he's not the top (I mean, no one can resists those adorable puppy eyes full with curiosity in A no Arashi and that HAIR.That awesome My Girl's hair)

The weird thing about my friend is that she doesn't like Aiba and she calls him Aibaka ALL the time. She even said that she hate him continuously.

Buuuut...when I leave my lappy to cook something in  kitchen, I noticed she was sitting near my laptop and looking thru my lj friends page that I open.
There's a post in arashicrackaday today(or yesterday?) with a smexy Aiba above the cut. You know how it usually took some time to load a page with pics all? Yeah, so when I came back, I opened the post and noticed it have been opened before because it just popped open. I'm pretty sure I just turn on my firefox and never had a chance to check it out yet.

So, what does this means?Coincidence? Or another Aiba fan in the making? You decide, my dear readers.
Hahaha...I hope she's not reading this because now your secret's out, you closet Aiba fan!! Caught ya girl ^o^ *giggles*

Now that's out, I'm off to read stuff that had been piling in my really-need-to-read-if-not-I'll-be-dead-meat list just like Nino here.
Enjoy your end of weekend everyone~~

my not-so-interesting life, arashi, ramblings, aiba masaki

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