I received an awesome news from a friend in hospital kajang today. Not sure if it's true or not, but I hope it is: I PASSED MY PHARMACY LAW EXAM!!!
I'm super excited (well, if I pass) that I got thru the exam. It was supposedly very hard to pass in pharmacy and very few people can ace it first time taking. So more power to me,hohoho ^^
When I said, 'not sure if it's true or not', it's because my friend check my name in a list she received in her hospital and saw mine. I'm just scared that she accidentally saw my name but some one else's result. Hey, it happens right? All those lines in any table can confuses anyone, I swear XDD So she's checking it for me again tomorrow.
Thank you so much deary~~♥♥
In a totally unrelated news, did anyone saw Perfume dance with Arashi in last HnA VIP Room?
Adorableness overload!!
Perfume is the epitome of cuteness but when you add in Arashi with Perfume's choreography, well, nothing can describe my fangirl heart really.
Dear, Arashi. Stay adorable no matter how old you may get, k? Especially you, Ninomiya :p
Have an icon of Nino reaching out for you as an early celebration for my unknown(?) exam result: