Feb 27, 2007 14:16
I know that there must be someone else out there is running the new Windows Vista. I am only running it because I bought a new laptop after Vista was released. While I like the look and some of the features, it appears to be quite the pain in the ass.
I doubt that anyone out there can help me with these problems, but I am going to list some issues I am having just in case:
1. I can no longer make my Palm sync with my case management program. Just doesn't work. Never connects. When I plug the sync thing (don't you like the technical terms?) into my computer, my computer never seems to recognize it. No idea why. I have done everything like I did before and it worked just fine with XP.
2. I can no longer link my TimeMatters program to my Quickbooks. You have no idea the problems this is causing. I generate all of my client bills in TimeMatters/BillingMatters and then I just hit this little button and everything is supposed to be sent to Quickbooks and then I hit a button in Quickbooks and it all gets posted. It took 2 years and $150 consultant to figure out how to make this shit work and now that I have reloaded all of my programs, I can't get a damn thing to link. Needless to say, without this it will take me many, many hours to complete month end billing and payroll. I am currently downloading updates to Quickbooks in hope that it will fix the problems.
3. Adobe Acrobat, the full program, will not run on Vista, or the version that I have anyway. Apparently it must be too old. This is a HUGE problem as the program is not cheap and I use Acrobat almost daily. Seriously pissed about this. I should not have to buy new versions of my software to make my computer work. I think it is all just a conspiracy. Damn computer assholes.
So if you have any idea on how I can fix these problems....please feel free to share.