
(no subject)

Mar 12, 2010 11:19

Прекрасное исследование публикуется здесь. Весьма любопытные данные и наблюдения о возрастных предпочтениях мужчин и женщин:

Men between 22 and 30-nearly two-thirds of the male dating pool focus almost exclusively on women younger than themselves.

The number of online daters peaks at 24, drops sharply at around 30, and then gradually tapers off, as the remaining singletons either find mates or withdraw themselves from contention.

A man, as he gets older, searches for relatively younger and younger women The median 31 year-old guy, for example, sets his allowable match age range from 22 to 35-nine years younger, but only four years older, than himself. This skewed mindset worsens with age; the median 42 year-old will accept a woman up to fifteen years younger, but no more than three years older. No matter what he's telling himself on his setting page, a 30 year-old man spends as much time messaging 18 and 19 year-olds as he does women his own age. On the other hand, women only a few years older are largely neglected.

Except in their early to mid-twenties, when they apparently want nothing to do with younger guys (ie guys who are still in school?), Women show an admirable openness to both reasonably younger and reasonably older men.

There is something very peculiar in data for women that we didn't see at all in men. Women show dramatic changes in their dating mentality at ages 20 and 29: when a women turns 20 she decides it's okay to message significantly older men. At 29, a woman becomes even more open to older men and, in addition, stops writing the youngest ones. The typical 28 year-old women sends a small but significant number of messages to men too young to drink. The typical 29 year-old sends practically none.

Women have more pursuers than men until age 26, but thereafter a man can expect many more potential dates than a woman of the same age.

A woman's desirability peaks at 21, which, ironically enough is the age that men just begin their "prime," ie become more desirable than average. A woman of 31 is already "past her prime," while a man doesn't become so until 36. As we mentioned above, after age 26, a man has more potential matches than his female counterparts, which is a drastic reversal of the proportion in young adulthood, when women are much more sought-after. Because men's dating preferences skew so young, and women's are age-equitable, men peak later, and have a longer plateau of desirability than women.

However this behavior of men is hardly rational because...

1. Attitudes almost universally become more sex-positive with age.
2. Up to the age of 40, women show stable growth in their self-confidence and happiness. Until 39 the number of women believe that the best days of their lives are still ahead of them.
3. Although on the average women's attractiveness declines with age, but if you separate out the absolute best-looking women, almost all of whom are very young, and also remove the people you won't realistically want to date (the worst-looking women), you find that everyone else's attractiveness doesn't change much with age.

In other words, given that nobody is drop-dead gorgeous or drop-dead hideous, your average 25 year-old is roughly as good-looking as your average 35 year-old. For the vast majority of men, dating the absolute hottest girls isn't realistic Yes, throwing out the prettiest of the pretty young things is a clumsy handicap to put on an age-by-age comparison. But at the same time, for the vast majority of men, the best-looking women are simply out of reach, so it's actually accurate to exclude them as possibilities. In fact, unrealistic male expectations inspired this article, so we want to do everything we can to correct for them.

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psychology, sex

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