Oct 18, 2007 22:39
I am having a mad-crazy busy week and I feel like I'm never home anymore (which, unfortunately, isn't going to change anytime soon) but I got some good news today! I take ballet class three times a week right, twice a week with the adult class and once a week with the teenagers. The teen class was HUGE and we didn't have enough room at the barre and we were always kicking each other and some people had to use the ledge because the barre was cramped beyond belief. Basically, it was a challenge, especially since whenever we did anything that required us to lift or kick our legs we had to angle our bodies one way or another. My studio is too small. ANYWAY there is a point to this rambling. My teacher decided to split the class because it was massively huge and because there are so many different levels in it. She explained that one class would be later and would be more advanced and that she would be watching us to see which level we would be in. She said that we would be notified either by phone or letter if we were being asked to switch classes. Well, today Irene (the teacher of the adult classes) gave me a note from Susan (the teacher of the teen class) inviting me to join the more advanced class! I am so excited! I feel like I've come so far in this past year!