(no subject)

Nov 07, 2008 23:17

Title: [think of one for me!]
Pairing: None, NEWS!genfic.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Uchi Hiroki, Nishikido Ryo, and Yamashita Tomohisa and the rest of NEWS belong to Johnny & Associates.
Summary: Ryo gets dragged to swimming class and he freaks out.
A/N: Um, I don't write for myself, so I think this is dedicated to shangrilove and trivialaffair , because I love them both very much and shangrilove gave me that stupid writing website thingy.

Uchi is now a health nut.

It must be Subaru's fault, Ryo thinks, because suddenly he's being dragged, BY UCHI, to the nearest fitness centre, saying that there was this kind of water yoga called Aquafit. Or something. Ryo doesn't know or care (well no he cares, fuck it, if he was going to be CAUGHT DEAD at an exercise class made for the resident oba-chans.

Uchi is happily humming away in the change room, without even noticing that Ryo was trying to drag out changing as possible, hoping that the class would be over and probably they could get some swimming done. As much as he sucks at swimming probably, he STILL wasn't going to be caught dead in a stupid WATER YOGA exercising class.

Unfortunately, even as long as Ryo dragged the changing time on, there came a moment where he would finish changing.

Keeping his hopes up, Ryo reluctantly follows Uchi to the door that leads to the swimming pool. Even through the thick, heavy metal door, Ryo could hear the instructor belting out instructions to the oba-chans.

Uchi is delighted to be there, and quickly strikes up a quiet conversation with some of them (Uchi, Ryo thinks, that bitch, I should have known he was already good friends with most of these babas) and Ryo swears under his breath, trying to sink lower into the water so nobody notices him.

But no avail, because soon all the women in the pool notice Uchi paddling after Ryo and trying to "save" him from "drowning". Ryo swears under his breath again and he pushes Uchi away.

"What are you doing?!" Ryo snarls.  "Can't you see I'm trying to hide?"

Uchi's bottom lip sets itself into a pout. "But Ryooo, you were going to drooown. I HAD to save you SOMEHOW."

Ryo glares. "It was in the SHALLOW end. I don't need saving."

"But Ryooo, if you had gone any lower into the water, you could have!" Uchi throws in the puppy eyes, but there is a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Ryo swears, out loud this time.  "Bitch."

But Uchi is already prancing away as best as he could in water.


Fifteen minutes into the class, Ryo is, unfortunately, kind of enjoying the exercise. It's done in water, so there are no majorly hurting muscles, and as much as he is embarrassed about swimming, he does enjoy being in the water. That's why he goes to the beaches in the summer.  What? Of course he goes to the beach for swimming.

"Suuure," Yamapi says a while later, when Ryo is finished retelling his embarrassing story at the local fitness center. "Sure you go to the beach for swimming." Pi nods. "I totally understand." He snickers, and pours Ryo another cup of vodka.

Ryo glares as best as he can through tired eyes.  "Thanks, Pi, your support is forever appreciated."

Pi howls in laughter. "I think I've done pretty good in not laughing up until now.  I mean, only Uchi has the power to be able to drag you to an exercise class with oba-chans." He shakes his head. "Oh the things you get yourself into."

Suddenly Ryo straightens up in his chair, despite his drunken haze.  "Wait, who knows about this?"

Pi's eyebrows scrunch together. "You mean other than you, me, and Uchi?  Umm, uhh, most people?  I think Uchi went around telling Tegoshi. And Koyama." He squints. "I think."

Ryo puts his face in his hands.  "Oh GOD, Pi, and you let Uchi do that? You KNOW what happens when you tell Koyama things! He'll go and tell Shige who'll laugh and mock me and use it to black mail me.  He'll go tell Sakurai-kun, who'll be forced to tell by Ninomiya-kun and Matsujun.  Then the WHOLE WORLD WILL END.  LOOK WHAT YOU DID."

Pi could practically hear the sad face at the end of that sentence. ):  He rolls his eyes.  "Look, not like I can do anything to help it, it's Uchi, he's learned to be sly and sneaky." He shrugs.  "Well, what're you gonna do?" He's starting to slur, Ryo notes.  Time to make his getaway and not show up at work.

Pi wakes up the next morning still holding his shot glass and drooling.


When Pi's gotten himself cleaned off, showered and sobered, he goes to work finding that Ryo is missing.

"Where's Ryo-chan," he asks the group members. "I have a bone to pick with him, he left me at the bar last night." He frowned.

Koyama shrugs from his place massaging Shige's shoulders, who is too focused on his textbook to reply.  Massu shakes his head through packing up his finished breakfast and Tegoshi chirps no.

Pi shakes his head and braces himself for the onslaught of his manager's rants later.


Ryo's head is half-hidden in the water again, but this time it's because no one's there with him but oba-chans again and he just feels unsafe.  He looks over to Uchi doing water yoga happily and reluctantly follows.

Might as well get comfortable, he thinks gloomily, I'll be spending all my time here for the whole of next week.


Ryo goes back to work a week after, only to immediately be scolded by NEWS' manager and an express trip to Johnny-san's office.

It turns out that Arashi never got a hold of the information.

Ryo received janitor duty to the dressing room for a whole week.


And I'm sorry that you had to read this, [shangrilove], lol.

p: none, trivfic

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