Jun 17, 2008 16:39

This is a totally compiled entry; will cut. ;D

Monday's Arashi no Shukudai-kun guest was Edo Harumi, and yeah,
blood_opal was right, the appearance of Degawa took most of the attention.

Is it just me? Or does Aiba look really hot holding a gun.  Can somebody tell me why they're not giving Aiba new dramas? Like, that boy needs more drama-flail. a;klsejfa;lskfj *shot*

And Sho's taste buds are failing him.  He's that old already, even his taste buds have lost their ability to properly sense spiciness.

LOL @ Arashi trying to learn Edo Harumi's little Guu~ exercise thing at the end, rofl, Jun grooving to the music, hahahahhahaha.

And then I saw at the end that FUJIWARA were going to be on Arashi no Shukudai-kun soon! *_* YAY I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, XD (refer to Janiben)
And I won't be here this coming Saturday and Sunday; will be in Wasaga Beach ~*relaxing*~ and ~*lazing*~ away the days without the computer.  I think.  You'll know if someone brought a laptop or not that day, lol.

So I'm going to Wasaga Beach this weekend, yayyyy~! *applauds*

The beach! So happy.  I've always wanted to go to the beach with my friends~ ;D I hate hanging out with my parents, lol.

We're going from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon, so we'll get most of the sunshine. ;D)

I'll take pictures! And this time I'll actually post them up, hahahahah.

The only thing I'm afraid of is the's been raining all week, so hopefully the rain will stop for the weekend. :\

My mom asked me about the food, and I said that we'll go shopping for it on Friday, hahaha, I wonder if we're actually going to do that...XD I mean, we are barbeque-ing that night. *^-^*  So hopefully the total will cost us each like 50 bucks? Haha, there's like 10 of us going...and I hope we won't be found out, we booked the room for 6 people, so we're sneaking 4 people in there. And if we do...well, I'll tell you too. XDD

And I went and bought a new dress the other day~! 超カワイイ. <3 *loves* It's a no-sleeve, maroon/crimson and white tiny stripes, with little pockets on each side.  I'll include a picture of that too. ^_^ You guys can tell how excited I am for this...yey. xD
And this is something that I was talking to my grandmother about today when my parents weren't home...

Is it mean of me to think that my mom is better off without my dad? I mean, apparently my grandmother didn't like him a lot either, hahahahha, I just laughed.  I've always thought that my dad was 「駄目だなぁ」(dame da na~) but I wasn't expected for it to be kind of true.  See, now not only does my friend question her parents about the reason they married, I kind of want to, too.

My dad kept saying that if he won the lottery he'd leave me and my mom some money and he'd move to Thailand let's hope that if he does, a tsunami or sth will get to him ROFL I AM MEAN. >:D and enjoy the money while we're stuck in Canada.  =.=

Then my grandmother also said that he used to be really mean to my mom, and I told her that I haven't seen any *hitting* of any sort in all my years of life (18, whoohoo! Well, I officially turn 18 at the end of this year, but whatever, close enough).

LIke I know I always say that I hate my dad, I hate my mom, why are they doing this to me all the time @#&$%! and all that angry remarks, but I kind of just want my mom to be happy, really.  I remember my mom telling me that if it wasn't for me, they would have divorced already, and then I kind of said, no, don't divorce, I don't want you guys to divorce; but now that I think about it, maybe it would be better off if they divorced...because I mean, my dad is totally suited for bachelor life.  Honestly.  And if they divorced it'd be better on my mom, too.  I kind of think it's okay now, haha, I mean, at least our family's still together, but if they really aren't happy, then I don't want to force it upon them, if you know what I mean?

So, for fun, one day, I'm going to find time to ask my mom why she married dad. 

me, wasaga beach, life

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