harry potter drabble: "erised"

Jul 06, 2012 22:53

gahd! i'm going through an angsty phase, so bear with me please?

and yes, no capital letters

Title: "erised"
Rating: PG
Words: 326
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/Harry
Warnings/AN: is angsty and *le gasp!* canon-compliant gahd, shoot me nao!
Summary: And this is how it is.
Disclaimer: HP is not mine, otherwise... cerntain someones would've ended up with other certain someones...


She knows it's unhealthy. That she should stop. But really, Hermione figures she's earned the right to be a little delusional right now. After all that has happened. After all they've been through.

After all she has been through, it's only right.

Voldemort is dead (at bloody last). Harry is alive (thank you, Merlin!). And she's left feeling like she has nothing left, though she has everything. Only that everything doesn't include what she WANTS, just… just what she's supposed to want.

Well, bloody sodding hell.

She knows she should go. Morning ought to arrive soon and there is much to do in this Voldemort-free world now. Such as give their friends a proper burial, go find her parents and try to restore their memories and, given they understand why she did what she did, spend some time with them before… before…

Before she starts her new life next to the man she's supposed to-no, the man she loves. Because she loves him, of course she does. She does.


But that can wait, just a few more minutes, just so she can enjoy this last time (of happiness, blissfully delusional happiness), because as soon as she's out of this room, she'll go find the Headmistress and report its existence.

The Mirror of Erised is not something to let within hand's reach in a school full of teens who don't know better.

For now, though, she can rejoice in her heart's desire…

(Neither comments on their state of undress, it doesn't matter. Just as the fact that this might as well be their last time together. Nothing but them matters now.

She wants to cry and he wants to rage but that would be a waste of time-time they do not have. So they share one saddened glance before stepping into each other's embrace.


They will enjoy it. This time, their last -their only- time.)

…even if it's stuck within an unbreakable glass.


you know, this is as canon-compliant as i'll ever get.

ff: harry potter - dh, ff: drabbles, character: hermione j. granger, rating: pg, ship: harry/hermione, fandom: harry potter, character: harry j. potter

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