Naruto Fic: "they’re supposed to live happily ever after, moron"

Oct 26, 2010 22:26

Gosh, I missed so much writing sasu/saku fics... TT_TT. So, here I leave you a cute, fluffy one. Hope you like it. (I'm going through an against-capital-letter-in-the-title phase)


Title: “they’re supposed to live happily ever after, moron”
Author: me, duh
Rating: PG
Words: 1,804
Characters/Pairings: Sasuke/Sakura (not romantically involved though)
Theme/Prompt: a very late response to reichans-birdie's request for a fic featuring posttimeskip!Sasuke and pretimeskip!Sakura, in this post and theme #32, Fairy Tales, from this table
Warnings/AN: uhh, fluffiness? and obviously, this clasifies as an AU
Summary: Sasuke doesn’t know what possessed him to save this brat from an imminent dead
Disclaimer: Not mine, sadly.


He doesn’t know what compelled him to save her. She is only a child, crying in the middle of a burning village; a broken angel in the middle of the burning flames of Hell. An orphaned child, with bright pink hair, and frightened green eyes. She whimpers when he moves closer to her; she doesn’t beg, doesn’t scream; only whimpers.

And the sound tears at his rotten heart.

He extends his hand towards her, but stops before he can touch her and frowns. His hands are stained with blood (the villagers’ blood, people this child probably knew, it might even be her parents’ blood) and he gets this sudden urge to keep the child as innocent as possible, just as pure; he won’t stain her.

“Don’t cry.”

His voice is cold and emotionless, a hard command rather than a plea. The child looks up at him, but doesn’t stop crying, if only, she cries harder.

“Stop crying.”

He desperately wants her to stop crying, wants to comfort her just so she would stop crying. Why, though, he doesn’t know but he already feels a connection with this girl, something… something…

“I can’t find my mommy…”

Ah, of course.

“It’s okay, I’ll take care of you,” he says suddenly, and is surprised at the strength of his own voice when he utters those words, squirming nervously (you see, he isn’t used to emotions, it’s been more than a decade since he last felt something) he rubs his hands on his pants and kneels in front of her.

Her big, bright green eyes look into his, hopeful, her lower lip trembles and, without any warning, she throws her tiny arms around him, hugging him tightly and crying in relief. He pats her head awkwardly and hesitantly wraps his arms around her too, picking her up as he stands. And among the sizzling sound of the dying fire, the loud pitter-patter of the rain, and the screaming survivors, he hears her muffled thank you clearly as he stalks away from the massacre.

And it’s later, much later, after returning to the Akatsuki headquarters and heading straight to his room, ignoring his team’s inquiries and Madara’s cold glance directed at the child, that he begins to understand the reasons behind his actions.

She is an orphan.

“I’ll protect you.”

Just like him.


Her name is Sakura.

That is the first thing he asks after she awakes the day after the massacre.

Haruno Sakura, and she is five years old.

Juugo and Suigetsu are immediately taken with her; if not for her incredible cuteness then for the fact that she has him wrapped around her little finger. Karin despises her, but after the one attempt at hurting her (that one time, when Sakura called her an idiot for not being able to tell a proper fairy tale, Sasuke nearly rips her arm off) she makes a point of ignoring the child as much as she can, and if it’s too much, she usually leaves the room. This is fine by him, because if she avoids Sakura it means she’ll be avoiding him as well, since he was always with Sakura.

She has pet names for everyone; Juu-chan, Sui-chan, Mean Red Lady, Weirdo Man and Big Scary Man. But not for him, to her he is Sasuke-kun. Once, he asked why he didn’t have a pet name, she answered as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

“Because your name is too nice to replace it with a pet name. I like to say your name, Sasuke-kun, even if it is long.”

Her answer is enough to him. Now, why the knowledge of being that important to Sakura matters so much is beyond him, but he likes it. This feeling of having someone care about you, even if it’s only a five years old, is something he can get used to.

“Say, Sasuke-kun?”


“Do you like my name enough to not change it for a pet name?”

This warm feeling he gets in his chest just by thinking of it, of her…




And it feels nice, he realizes later on, to know his heart is not as dead as he thought it to be.


The first year after he decides to take care of her is peaceful, Sakura needed to adjust to the sudden changes in her life and with their constant moving from one hideout to another it took her time. When the second year rolls in and she has recently become six year old and has gained more confidence in herself, Sasuke discovers a side of dear Sakura that is not so cute.

“I want you to tell me a story, Sasuke-kun,” she says, only this time (unlike all those previous times) she doesn’t ask him; she demands it.

“I’m busy, go to sleep,” he replies, in his usual monotonous voice.

He doesn’t even bother looking up from the scroll he’s reading. A message from Madara. Apparently the Akatsuki leader doesn’t think he has done enough by destroying Konoha, now he wants him to destroy the other four ninja countries as well. Sasuke finds himself without a choice, he will have to destroy those countries if he wants to ensure Sakura’s safety, for Madara has made it quite clear that if he refuses to do as he is told, some day the child might just disappear.

Suddenly, the scroll is no longer in his hands and he looks up to come face to face with Sakura. He glares; she glares back. After a while, Sasuke sighs, rolling his eyes in annoyance, and picks up the girl to deposit her on the floor next to him.

“I’m serious, Sakura, go to bed, this is important.”

Sakura hurries to climb into his lap, and glares some more, “No, I’m not going to bed until you tell me a story, Sasuke-kun, you promised!”

“I did not do such thing,” he replies, arching an eyebrow.

“Yes, you did, right before your last mission you did!”

Sasuke frowns, trying to remember the mentioned day, but only comes up with an image of himself making sure Suigetsu understood the importance of keeping Sakura safe while he was away, safe and far, far away from Madara. Then, as if struck by a lightening, he remembers her saying something to him, to which he responded with a vague yes.

Well, dammit, it seems he did promise her.

Her eyes seem brighter than normal, her lower lip trembles and he sees she’s on the verge of crying, so, sighing in defeat, he nods.

“Fine, I’ll tell you a story.”

Sakura squeals happily and plants a sloppy kiss on his cheek, running to her bed (which is his, actually, only she had commandeered it the day she arrived) and settling herself comfortably in the pillows.

“I’m ready!”

Sasuke walks over the bed, and settles himself next to her, letting out one last sigh before beginning with the story, “There was a boy, who lived-”

“No! I want you to tell me a Fairy Tale,” Sakura interrupts abruptly, “With Once upon a time and a Prince Charming and a Princess and her Fairy Godmothers and an Evil Witch and a Dragon and all that stuff.”

He grits his teeth, but complies anyway. His story is like no other, really.

“Once upon a time, in a far away Kingdom, lived Prince Charming and the Princess…”

Prince Charming and the Princess don’t like each other at first, and then the Princess is kidnapped and Prince Charming is forced to rescue her, being her betrothed and all that. He has to go through an enchanted forest to reach the Evil Witch Castle, where he faces many hardships and challenges, but he manages to overcome it all, because, you know, he’s that cool. Somewhere along that time, he realizes the Princess is not that bad and he sees that he actually likes her a little (and only a little) and he wouldn’t mind marrying her. And with this new knowledge he enters the castle to face the enemy.

The Evil Witch turns out to be the Princess’ Fairy Godmother (really, no wonder she was kidnapped so easily), who happens to turn into a dragon with poisonous claws. But Prince Charming is brave (and cool, way too cool for this story) and he fights the dragon to death, and manages to defeat him, but not before receiving one last hit. Prince Charming has enough strength to go free the Princess from the dungeons, and tell her he likes her a little bit, and then he dies tragically…

“…The End.”

Sakura frowns and Sasuke scowls at her.

“What, now?”

“They’re supposed to live Happily Ever After, Sasuke-kun! I don’t like your ending, make them have their Happily Ever After! They deserve it,” she protests stubbornly.

“Sakura, it’s only a tale, let it go and sleep already,” he pinches the bridge of his nose, counting to one hundred because ten just doesn’t help anymore.

“No! I want a Happy Ending, with confessions of Undying Love and a Kiss and a Wedding and a Happily Ever After!”

Spoiled brat.

“Fine, forget the ending,” he says, rubbing his temples, “Prince Charming slays the dragon, killing it instantly, then goes off to free the Princess. Once together, Prince Charming sweeps her off her feet, professes his Undying Love for her, and Kisses her passionately. The Princess returns his feelings and they both go back to the Magic Kingdom of Merriness. They are Wed while the sun sets. And they live Happily Ever After. The End.”

He takes a deep breath, having to retell the story on one go left him gasping for air for a few minutes. Then, he turns to look at Sakura, and finds her already on her way to dreamland, a cute smile adorning her face.



“I like that ending better.”

Sasuke smiles slightly, like very slightly, and strokes her hair, “Sleep, Sakura.”

She nods, but doesn’t listen to him.



“You suck at telling stories… but I loved it nonetheless.”

She lets out a big, long yawn and snuggles deeper into her pillow, “Sasuke-kun?”


“Will you be my Prince Charming and rescue me from the Evil Witch when I grow up?”

Sasuke never gets the chance to answer, as soon after she utters that question, she falls into a profound, sweet-dreams-filled sleep. He doesn’t stop stroking her hair, and after a while, his gaze moves towards his desk and falls onto the scroll.

“I don’t think I can measure up to be a Prince, Sakura…” he trails off, and sighs before continuing, “But I can be your Knight.”

One last sigh and he goes back to his desk, picking up the scroll before getting ready for bed.

Your very dark and very broody Knight.


Comments are encouraged =)

character: haruno sakura, ff: naruto - post-kg, ff: oneshots, ff: aus, character: uchiha sasuke, themed comms: fanfic100, ff: naruto - manga!verse, rating: pg, fandom: naruto, ship: sasuke/sakura, ff: naruto - au

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