Naruto Fic: "China Doll"

Mar 11, 2010 00:16

Ehhh, yeah...

This is random, you've been warned.

Title: "China Doll"
Beta: In need of one =)
Rating: PG
Words: 1,665
Characters: Sasuke, (oc) Satoshi, (oc) Kenichi, Sakura, (oc) Mikoto
Pairings: Sasuke/Sakura (really, did you expect any other?)
Theme/Prompt: #70, Porcelain. Table's HERE
Warnings: Fluffy, as in VERY fluffy. I'd say spoilers, but I see none.
Disclaimer: I own only the plot.
A/N: Sequel to "History Repeats Itself... Or Maybe Not" Takes place a year or so after the end of that fic.
Summary: Wrapped around her little finger, that’s how they were-the Uchiha men.


“She’s so tiny-”

“-and soft-”

“-and, and-”

“-and adorable.”

The boys sigh and smile adoringly at the baby sleeping peacefully in his arms. Sasuke feels the corners of his mouth move upwards and doesn’t do anything to prevent it. After all, he’s in his house, with his family; there’s no reason to put up his usual façade.

And it’s not like his smile is that big; more like a smirk really.

The baby moves a bit, sighing softly and forcing an ‘aww’ing sound out of the boys. This time Sasuke does smile, as he caresses the baby face and brushes some dark locks of hair aside.

A girl. Sakura gave him a daughter. She even looks like his wife, with her cute little nose and heart-shaped lips, wide forehead and green, green eyes. The only trait she inherits from him is her black hair.

His little princess.


He looks down at the boys, who never cease to amaze him at how much they look like him (only their hair style is different), then focuses his attention on Satoshi (or is it Kenichi?), who’s the one who spoke. But before he can even open his mouth to reply, Kenichi (or is it Satoshi?) beat him to it.

“Will she break-”

“-if we touch her?-”

“-She looks so fragile-”

“-as if made of-”


Sasuke arches an eyebrow, sweat-dropping lightly at his sons’ habits. When they began finishing each other’s sentences, he doesn’t know, but while at first it was all fine and cute, now it is simply unnerving. It almost feels as if they are always thinking the exact same thing.

“It’s alright. As long as you don’t wake her, it took me hours to put her to sleep,” he says, the boys nod enthusiastically, “So, just be gentle.”

“I don’t believe it, Uchiha Sasuke talking about gentleness. Well, this is something you don’t get to hear every day.”

The three Uchiha men turn around, finding none other than the matriarch of the house standing by the door of the living room, smiling amusingly at them. The boys jump up and run straight to Sakura, yelling a clear ‘mommy!’ in unison. Sakura laughs and kneels down to give them a hug. Sasuke watches the whole interaction in silence.


“-Is it really-”

“-alright to touch-”

“-our little sister?”

Sakura grabs one of their shoulders in each hand gently, making them stay shut for a while.

“Okay, boys, calm down,” she says, “and don’t do that.”



“That, finishing each other’s sentences. It's freaking me out, so stop it.”

“Yes, mommy!” they say in unison again.

“So, can we touch her, mommy?” Satoshi asks, pouting cutely.

“Pretty please?” Kenichi begs, helping his brother with the pouting.

Sakura smiles at them, and kisses each on their forehead, “Of course, just be gentle.”

After this statement, she finally acknowledges his presence and lock eyes with him, giggling softly. The boys run back to his side, and hover over the baby, each grabbing a hand; he ignores them for now though, knowing they’ll be careful with their little sister, and frowns at his wife.

Because there she goes again, making fun of him.

“Right, Sasuke?”


Sakura grins amusedly and walks over him, kissing his cheek once she reaches his side, “I see you managed to survive the afternoon alone with our little bundles of joy.”

“Hn, I told you I could. They’re Uchihas, and they know how to behave themselves,” he replies, his voice laced with pride for his children.

“You’re just lucky Mikoto still spends most of the day sleeping,” Sakura says and prepares to leave, “Oh! Look, I found this in the attic.”

Sasuke looks curiously at the doll resting between his wife’s hands, and slowly, recognition dawns on him.

“That’s my mother’s doll; she had it since she was a child.”

Sakura smiles at him, and then looks at the doll, “Well, I thought it would be a nice toy for Mikoto, don’t you think?”

Sasuke frowns at her, “I don’t know, Sakura, the doll is very delicate and irreplaceable. Maybe we should buy her another one, better suited for a baby.”

“Oh, nonsense, this one’s perfect.”

“It’s made of china, very expensive china. You don’t see this kind of doll anymore.”

Sakura sighs exasperatedly, “Oh, come on, Sasuke! It’s not like she’s going to break it or something.”

An exited gasp breaks their little argument, and they turn to look at their daughter in time to see her open her eyes, peering up at them in curiosity. Six months old, and you can already tell she’ll be one clever girl just by the look in her eyes.

“Hey there, Miko-chan-”

“-you remember us?-”

“-I’m Kenichi-”

“-and I’m Satoshi-”

“-and we’re your older brothers.”

Little Mikoto cooed at them, responding in her own way, and the boys smiled proudly.

“She remembers us!” they stated in unison, turning to smile at them.

Sasuke smirks, nodding, “Of course she does, she’s an Uchiha after all; we forget nothing.”

Sakura snorted softly and he tried in vain to glare at her (really, with how happy he was right now, he doesn’t think he’ll be able to glare for a long time). His wife brushes him off, and kneels in front of him, next to the boys.

“Hello, my little princess, look what mama found,” she says, shaking the doll a little in front of her little face, but not so close, “It’s a cute little doll just for you.”

Sasuke’s still reluctant to let his baby girl have the doll (honest, it’s a very valuable doll, expensiveness aside, it has great sentimental value), but as he sees her wide, innocent eyes shine in excitement while she reaches out to grab the doll, he can’t help but silently agree with Sakura. It is the perfect toy for Mikoto, and really, it isn’t like she’s going to break it or-

“I wanna give it to her!”

Both Kenichi and Satoshi scream at the same time, having the same idea, and reaching out with the same shocking speed, grabbing the doll firmly before Sakura can even react properly. His wife tries to retrieve the toy, but the twins are fast, shockingly so, and duck away from her, starting a war of tugs, hard tugs, back and forth, each pull harder than the last, and then-it happens.

The doll flies over him (all he can do is sit where he is and watch), landing hard in a heap of broken porcelain a few inches in front of him.

The silence that follows next is eerily calm, no sparks of Chidori as it usually happens when he’s incredibly mad, and God knows he is mad, very mad. And a small part of him wants to scream at Sakura for being so irresponsible for thinking nothing was going to happen and at the boys for being so competitive and at himself for being foolish enough to actually believe nothing was going to happen and-

A soft sob breaks the silence, echoing loudly in the room.

Sasuke looks down at the baby girl now sitting in his arms, and can barely hide his surprise, his sadness (his daughter’s tear are heartbreaking). Mikoto keeps sobbing as she looks at her broken toy, laying useless in the floor, and Sasuke does the only thing he can think of.

Shifting her in his arm, so she ends up facing him, Sasuke cradles her to his chest and rubs her tiny back in soothing, circular motions.

“Shh, it’s okay, Miko-hime, daddy will get you a new doll, a better one,” he whispers softly, tenderly (yes, tenderly) to her, rocking her a bit, “And it won’t break, so don’t you worry.”

A loud gasp catches his attention, and he looks up to see Sakura cover her mouth to prevent her own sobs from escaping, a few tears falling freely from her eyes (green, beautiful eyes). He averts his gaze, feeling his cheeks warming up, and curses his wife’s sentimentalism. Really, it isn’t a big deal, so he could be tender once in a while, and it’s nothing worth crying for. And it’s not like it hasn’t happened before; he was tender to the boys when they were babies, and to her when she was pregnant, and even a few time while they made love before (when he was feeling incredibly happy and fuzzy inside).

So, there, it shouldn’t be a big surprise.

“Oh, Sasuke…”

“It’s just a stupid china doll, I can get another,” he says, catching a glimpse of her face.

God, that smile. He’s a sucker for that smile.

And his face gets warmer.

He sighs.

“Daddy’s such-”

“-a softy.”

Uchiha Sasuke, welcome to the club of whipped men.


Sakura watches the scene unfold itself silently.

The twins are looking at the burning scrolls with blank expressions, not moving, not even a twitch of the eyebrow, nothing, nothing at all. She knows those were the scroll where they wrote every new jutsu they thought of and wanted to fully develop, as well as any modification of any jutsu that Sasuke taught them. So, those were very important scroll.

Mikoto lets the last of the flames coming out of her mouth (Sasuke would be so proud of her when he returns from his mission to see she’s mastered the Katon jutsu) die and turns to face her beloved older brothers.


And she smiles (that smile, her smile, the best trait Mikoto inherited from her) and clasps her hands behind her back, looking the image of innocence, of cuteness-

The boys sigh, pat her head softly, and leave for their room.

-and it’s another victory for the Uchiha women.

Oh, yeah, Uchiha Satoshi and Uchiha Kenichi, welcome to the club of whipped men as well.


Comment, please?

character: uchiha kenichi (oc), character: haruno sakura, character: uchiha mikoto (oc), ff: naruto - post-kg, ff: oneshots, ff: aus, character: uchiha sasuke, character: uchiha satoshi (oc), themed comms: fanfic100, ff: naruto - manga!verse, rating: pg, fandom: naruto, ship: sasuke/sakura, ff: naruto - au

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