Twilight drabble: "Made of Glass"

Jun 19, 2009 14:44

Yes, yes, more drabbles for twilight100, I'm obssessed with this, I swear! 5 little drabbles for you to enjoy, and my first attempt at writting in first person for this fandom.

Feedback is LOVE!


Title: “Made of Glass”
Beta: Not betaed yet
Rating: PG
Characters: Alice, (the Cullens)
Pairing: Canon pairings
Warnings: Nothing.
A/N: Takes places sometime during Twilight, no spoilers though. From Alice's POV.
Summary: Alice analyzes her family.


I like to compare each member of my family to a glass.

I do not know exactly when the comparing began.

It is most likely when I met Jasper -and he probably was the first one to be compared- in that diner of Mississippi, back in ’48. But I only notice this habit of mine after Bella joins our family, although not officially yet.

It is gratifying to see the accuracy of my comparisons. Some have changed over the years -going through subtle changes (like Rosalie did) or abrupt changes (like Edward)- and yet they all remain mostly the same.



Carlisle, our leader and our father figure.

He is like an chipped glass. The offending notch rests at the bottom of it, going unnoticed until you prick your finger with it.

His glass is almost full, and if there was a time were it was empty, it doesn’t matter now.

Esme, our mother figure, is like a cracked glass. The fissure goes halfway down its side, starting at the top. Although, it can be overlooked sometimes, it cannot be ignored.

Her glass is also almost full, probably because she’s managed to have the life she’s always wanted next to Carlisle.



Rosalie’s like a fragile and breakable glass; severely cracked.

With her dreams destroyed, she keeps breaking and falling to pieces. However, and with Emmett’s help, she manages to pick them up and put them together again.

Even knowing it’s a waste to keep it that way, because she knows it’ll break again, she’s stubborn; so her glass’s always full.

Emmett, though, is like a brand-new glass; stainless, without imperfections.

His acceptance and cheery nature prevent any damage to his glass, and it allows him to help his Angel when she’s trying to pull herself together.

His glass’s always full, too.



Edward’s like Emmett, and yet not quite.

He’s like a perfect, undamaged glass, but he, unlike Emmett, is tainted. His righteousness doesn’t allow him to come to terms with what he is and with what he’s done. It gets worse when meets Bella.

His glass, empty for over a century, begins to fill up after he realizes his love for the human.

Then, there’s Bella, but I can’t include her in this little habit of mine, not just yet. Bella will have to wait until she’s changed into a vampire. Right now, she’s only the sand waiting to be melted.



Jasper, my haunted soldier, was like a shattered glass when I met him; destroyed beyond repair.

However, I’ve managed to put some if his pieces together, and now he’s merely broken. There are some missing bits of glass, but we keep looking for those pieces, and I know that someday, his glass will be whole again.

Whole and full.

Like my brothers, I’m like a brand-new glass, too.

Although, my glass’s almost empty and waiting for Jasper to fill it up.

He can’t do that right now, but that’s okay because one day he will, and that’s enough for me.


Comments and con-crit are very appreciated!

ship: jasper/alice, ff: drabbles, themed comms: twilight100, character: edward cullen, character: jasper hale, ship: emmett/rosalie, character: rosalie hale, ship: carlisle/esme, character: isabella swan, ff: twilight - twilight, fandom: twilight, character: esme cullen, rating: pg, ship: edward/bella, character: carlisle cullen, character: alice cullen, character: emmett cullen

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