Twilight drabble: "Reggeaton - I"

May 22, 2009 15:11

Um, yeah, the same again. Written for twilight100, prompt #56, blah, blah. Though now, we move from english to spanish lyrics. I can't really translate the lyrics without losing the double meaning of the words, so...

Maybe most of you know this genre of music already, but for those who don't, I introduce you to Reggeaton. What is that? Well, if you've heard of Daddy Yankee, you know what it is.

Title: “Reggeaton - I”
Beta: Not betaed yet
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Edward, (Rosalie), (Emmett)
Pairing: Emmett/Rosalie
Warnings: Slight MATURE CONTENT!!, beware.
A/N: 'El Tra' by Tito El Bambino. I highly recommend you to listen to the song, so you can grasp the feeling of the drabble. Pre-Twilight.
Summary: Edward finds a reason to like Classic music all the more.


Se me hizo agua la boca
Y yo quería morderte a ti
Pero por darte capela te deje bailar
Se mojaba toda mi ropa de tan solo pensar en ti
Y no duermo, soñando en hacerte…

Edward snarled as another lustful thought made its way through his head, featuring, yet again, a nameless boy and his blonde-haired sister. One after another, the thoughts kept on coming, each more improper than the last. He tried to keep the images away -not surprised to see the ones featuring Emmett and a nameless girl occasionally- but failed miserably.

And he thought Emmett was bad.

His eyes landed on his siblings, who were dancing -more like having sex with clothes- out there, oblivious to the world. No wonder why these kids were so… agitated.

Damn, he should’ve listened to Alice.

En una esquina te voy hacer
Bailando, sudando


Comments are LUV!

ff: twilight - twilight, fandom: twilight, rating: pg-13, ff: drabbles, themed comms: twilight100, character: edward cullen, ship: emmett/rosalie, character: emmett cullen, character: rosalie hale

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