Digimon Fic: "The flower that blooms in adversity"

Nov 22, 2008 18:12

Okay, I decided to post my Digimon fics in english here.

This one was written for 5trueloves, theme #1. You can see the table here.


Title: "The flower that blooms in adversity"
Beta: not betaed yet
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Yamato, Jun
Pairing: Yamato/Jun
Theme: #1, STD Awareness
Warnings: some innuendoes and adult concepts, ANGST! lots of it.
A/N: Maybe, the hardest piece I've ever written, just because of the pairing, I must say they're a no-no inside my head, but I did my best!
Summary: They had promised, the very day he confessed, that they'll never let themselves fall apart.


Yamato looked at the woman sleeping pleasantly on his couch and smiled contently. He walked up to her, sitting on the edge of the couch, and caressed her face. He pushed away a few strands of hair that fell on her face -and thanked the Heavens she decided to let it grow; he didn’t think he would’ve been able to live with a female version of Taichi- marveling at its softness.

She looked so pale and weak… and yet he had never seen her more beautiful.

His expression darkened as he remembered what happened earlier in the day...


He felt unusually happy, but it was to be expected, for today was their third anniversary. Three happy years beside his girlfriend; his longest relationship ever.

Three years together, my love, he thought.

The doorbell suddenly rang and Yamato almost skipped towards the entrance (almost), smiling all the time. However, his smile vanished once he opened the door and worry took over his emotions.

“What’s wrong?” he practically demanded, but kept his voice as soft and low as possible.

His girlfriend broke down then -having been holding back her tears- and threw her arms around him, crying into his chest.

Yamato froze for a moment and then, not knowing what else to do, he led her into his apartment, closing the door behind them. Once they were both sitting on the couch, with his arms around her in an attempt to comfort her (though, without much success), Yamato spoke.

“Honey, please, tell me what’s wrong.”

She suppressed a sob and pulled away a little. “I’m sorry, Yamato… I’m so sorry!”

“Sorry? What for?” he inquired, feeling truly confused.

The young woman cried even harder and began to ramble about something he didn’t quite understand at first, but then Yamato caught some phrases that made his blood run cold through his veins.

“You… what?”

“I got HIV!!”

Yamato pulled away quickly and stood up, looking at her in shock. “How?... When?!” he asked, feeling frustrated.

He was certain she hadn’t gotten it from him -he was perfectly healthy (his last medical report said so)- and he was also certain he himself hadn’t got it from her. After all they had used protection every time they slept together.

He had never been more grateful of condoms than right there and then.

“With a guy I met at a party… the last time you rejected me…”

Her sudden response, a mix of words and sobs, startled him out of his thoughts, and he felt the guilt crawling under his skin.

Yamato sighed, realizing he just couldn’t get mad at her, because most of her mistakes were his fault, a consequence of his continuous rejection in the past. And that last time he had been particularly awful with her, it was no wonder she did what she did.

The blonde youth sat back down and embraced her again, making her yelp in surprise, but he didn’t let go.

“It’s okay, love, it’s all right…” he soothed.

“Why… why aren’t you… mad at me?” she sobbed.

Yamato smiled then, a true happy smile, and kissed her forehead. “Because I love you, Jun,” he said, “and we promised we’d be together forever, no matter what.”

Jun buried her face in his chest and cried again, but this time she cried of happiness.

No matter whatno matter what.


Yamato was snapped out of his reverie when he felt movement from his girlfriend. He smiled down at her when she opened her eyes.

Jun blushed lightly, pulling the blanket closer to her, and she smiled too. “Hi…”


There was a period of silence. Jun allowed him to caress her face; both were content with that simple gesture.

“Thank you, Yamato…” Jun suddenly said, breaking the silence.

Yamato looked curious for a moment and then he was simply amused. “May I ask why you are thanking me?”

Jun felt her cheeks burn. “For everything, I guess… and for not walking away from me, when you certainly had every right to do so.”

He took one of her hands and kissed it. “There’s no need to say thanks, Jun… You have done so much for me, sacrificed everything you had just to be with me…” he paused to smile at her, “The least I can do is love you with all my heart.”

The rosette-haired girl leaned forward, placing an innocent kiss on his lips. “Together forever…”

“…No matter what.”


Comments are love!!

ff: digimon - adventure 02, character: ishida yamato, fandom: digimon, ff: oneshots, ff: aus, rating: pg-13, ship: yamato/jun, ff: digimon - au, themed comms: 5trueloves, character: motomiya jun

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