Flutterby, Butterfly

Oct 02, 2009 02:00

Title: Flutterby, Butterfly

Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, Family, (attempted) humor xD
Members: Sho~
Summary: When Sho’s little four-year-old daughter came up to him with the request of drawing her something for school, he happily took the crayons and exhibited his… remarkable artistic skills.

A/N: Three drabbles or a three-part oneshot, whichever works ;D Unbeta’ed since it’s in the middle of the night and me being stubborn me just had to finish this by tonight XD Sorry for any grammar mistakes or random words or anything in this~



Sho looked up from the screen of his laptop to see his four-year-old daughter, Miu, scrambling up on the bed. Unceremoniously, she squeezed herself between Sho and the laptop on his outstretched legs.

“Papa,” she repeated in her child-like voice. Her brown eyes were shining bright, her lower lip was protruding just ever so slightly, and the corners of her lips were curling up to the subtlest of smiles-Miu’s idiosyncrasies when wanting something.

Sho just smiled at her, while repositioning himself for comfort. “Teacher said I have to draw a flutterby. And Tsu-niichan won’t help. So…” Her voice trailed off as she smiled her most charming smile (a trait possibly gotten from her father) and raised a piece of paper into view.

“You want me to help?”

“Um!” Miu nodded once before thrusting a box of crayons to her papa.

Minutes later, Miu could be seen staring back at the paper, rendered absolutely speechless.



Miu turned to her papa while putting a smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around Sho and whispered, “Thank you, papa… for drawing this.”

She glanced back to the drawing once more (Sho could’ve sworn she had grimaced) before crawling down the bed and running out of the bedroom. Curious from the way Miu’d acted, Sho decided to do that ZERO report later and followed her instead.

The four-year-old skittered over to the kitchen. She let out a small squeak of joy when she saw her mama there. “Mama, mama…” the raven-haired toddler whispered, tugging the leg of Maki’s pants. Miu signalled her mama to lower herself to her level before whispering something in her ear.

At the entrance of the kitchen, Sho saw Maki’s lips slowly curling upwards in a smile- wait, no, it wasn’t much of a smile then it was of a suppressed bout of laughter.

Their eyes met.

Pressing her lips together, (that definitely meant she was laughing) she subtly gestured for him to leave.

He pouted.

She looked at him with The Look, reserved especially for their son, Tsubasa when he plays the soccer ball inside.

His pout never left his lips, however, he left.

But not before he heard Maki say, “C’mon, Miu, let mama fix that butterfly.” She added in a small disparaging voice, when she passed by Sho by the hallway, “If you can call it a butterfly.”



The next morning, during breakfast, Maki told Sho what their daughter commented on his drawing.

“It was,” Maki quoted, “like a fat worm with wet toast stuck to its back.” Sho looked hurt, but Maki went on. “And the antennae? She thought those were squashed worms.”

“Hey! My drawings aren’t that bad! In fact, I’ve been practicing- just not on butterflies.”

Maki could’ve said something, but she was interrupted by Tsubasa’s laughter in the hallway. “Ew! What is that?” There was the sound of papers exchanging hands (not willingly, of course) “Did you draw this?”

“Tsu-niichan! Give it back! Papa drew that for me!”

Sho’s jaw drop, as Maki quickly covered her mouth failingly trying to stifle her laughter.

That’s it, if his kids need homework help in the arts department, he’ll call Ohno over.


Comments are always L.O.V.E.D~ <3

oc: sakurai miu, ♥ Sho

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