Aug 31, 2005 14:09
This entry is P U B L I C. Because you are so gone from any "friend" list of mine.
Before I even begin, let me make clear that I've tried to stay out of your business. I tried to not even comment on your ridiculous spat with Alex, save for when you said false things about my sister (whom I love so very much.) I tried to just let you handle it.
But you pulled me into it.
You typed (heh...first sign of cowardice...) horrible things to me -- things that I've NEVER said to you. And I just took it. I let you call me names. I let you make a complete fool out of me. I let myself be shaken at the juvenile threats you so immaturely typed on to your little AIM screen.
And then I thought about it. And I wondered why on God's green earth I was taking this from you. So, mimicking your oh-so-adult reaction to everything, I'm going to vent on my LiveJournal. (Which, in my opinion, is about the same level of intelligence as your little "AIM" bitching, so you'll have no difficulty comprehending what I'm saying.
In all the time I've known you I've been jealous of you. Jealous of your looks, your boyfriends, how close you were with Michael, your friends, and your attitude. But you know what's hilarious? Now the tables are turned. Because you're jealous of me. You are SO jealous that you IMed me late at night to verbally harass me. (I have no idea what you wanted to accomplish in that.) You DESPERATELY want what I have. You want friends like mine. You want my boyfriend, or at least one that cares about you as much as Alex does for me. You want to have as much purpose as I do in life, since yours right now consists of alcohol, failed relationships, and jerking around.
Heh...remember when you used to lecture me about God? When's the last time you even set FOOT in a church? "Get right with God and yourself before any relationship will work." I believe those words were spoken by you. Kind of hypocritical, aren't you? On top of that, look at the filthy words you used at me! How "good" you are. Look at your habits. At least I admit when I do something wrong instead of hiding behind a false "Christian" physique.
YOUR mistake was clicking on my screen name last night and typing to me. Because in doing that you've upset many people. My friends, that I spoke so highly of earlier, WILL defend me. Some have already spoken with you. They will fight for me. See, they respect me for who I am, not because of my looks or how much alcohol I can down in an evening. They (as well I am) are waiting for an apology. I used to be afraid of you, but I'm not anymore, and neither are they.
And Alex? The only reason that he's not completely going insane on you is because I asked him not to. I don't know WHY I asked him not to retaliate, because he'd certainly give you what you deserve. He'd put you in your place. And you know what? The entire basis for this mess is that he didn't like how you treated me, and wanted you to appologize. Keep in mind that THAT'S what we're fighting about.
And for some reason you seem to think that Caitlin will be on your side, that she will agree with you. Someone needs to knock you back into reality. Caitlin will always be fighting for me, and if given the chance I have no doubt that she'd choose her sister instead of a bully who thinks she's influential. And on top of everything, YOU'RE in the wrong! So why would she try and defend a sunken ship?
Oh, and I love how you tell me that you "defend" me and my "group" of friends when in fact you're a Wal*Mart bad-mouthing me AND them. You forget that things get around, and that I know EVERYTHING you've ever said, you fucking hypocrite. (Oh, I'm so hurt...all of the employees at WAL*MART think I'm a whore...aww...)
So apparently we know what I am, let's talk about what you are. You're a desperate bully who tries to make herself feel better by bringing others down. A JEALOUS bully. Someone who needs to "get right" with God and yourself. You're all talk and you rely on that uncontrollable temper of yours to get you through confrontation. But that temper doesn't control me anymore...YOU don't control me anymore.
You sounded so intelligent in your little spew last night on AIM. "u little bitch." What the hell is "u"? Write out the fucking word, Alexandria. Otherwise it makes you look like an idiot, but you do a good job of that on your own. And how many times did you whine, "I'm sick of you two"? Wow, you're so jealous; you need to get over it. I think my favourite line was "if you were here.." If I was there, then what? Would you hit me? I'd love to see you do it, because if you did then you'd have so many people on you so fast. Just looking out for you, dear.
And I don't know if you're aware of this (you probably don't since all of your relationships go to Hell), but a relationship isn't abou tcontrol. Sweetie, I don't know if anyone told you, but control only drives people away. I thought that you especially would have learned that by now. So don't act surprised when I tell you that Alex doesn't control me and I don't control him. You should take this advice from me, since out of the two of us I am the one who knows how to keep a boyfriend.
I hope I'm making you feel bad. I hope I'm making you angry. But most of all I hope you cry. Because in our friendship, you've done all of the above to me. You need to be put in your place, because you, Alexandria, are a bitch. You need to stop exploding on people, because it's going to get you nowhere. Maybe in high school it will get you a false "respect" from other low-lifes, but wait and see, because you'll soon turn into that annoying lady bitching out an audience member on a talk show.
I considered telling you to never talk to me again, but then I decided not to. 1) Because you won't listen; you'll keep running that pathetic mouth of yours. 2) Because it's not worth it, and 3) Because I can't wait to see how you try and justify yourself. So have fun, because you have quite a task ahead of you.
Do me a favor and scroll down to click on the link with our AIM conversation in it. (That is, if I didn't make it Friends-Only; I don't remember if I did or not.) If you can, then look at how pathetic you sound.
I'm not going to take your shit anymore. So next time think about it before you try and intimidate me, because I WILL retaliate.
I sincerely hope that you get something out of this. Have a WONDERFUL day.