Jan 18, 2009 13:32
I know I am late in discovering this, and that they might have changed their image already, but in my semi-boredness I opened up the Dir en grey extra clip thing that came with the UROBOROS DVD.
And the rest of them (save Kyo) have gone for the grunge rocker-kind of look. I am not used to seeing Toshiya like that, but then again, the last live of theirs I saw was eons ago. I think it was the Akasaka BLITZ 5 DAYS period.
They seem to have undergone such a humongous change that I don't know what to make of them anymore. Maybe this is one of the components involved in the repackaging of them as being 'international stars'. Somehow, I feel a little sad, but I don't really know why.
I know what Miku's emceeing sounds like now. No wonder it feels familiar. He sounds like a host announcing a champagne call XD
I want to have a champagne call too. でもお金がぜんぜんない。T_T
I HAVE A SUDDEN REALISATION. I have been somewhere near where they were having the concert!! No wonder I was thinking that the ferris wheel and red brick warehouses in the background looked familiar. Okay but the realisation that I was unknowingly at the place they filmed Ikebukuro West Gate Park was still the worst. TWICE. Just a left turn and I would have reached the location but noooooo I turned right. Life is cruel.
dir en grey