Oh Saurfang, your denizens amuse me so.

Jul 07, 2012 14:52

Referring to the server, not the character.

I recently (okay, not so recent. Just that I took a long break for Diablo 3 and am now back) rolled on Saurfang in my search for a PVE server to transfer my toons to. Decided to level a human rogue. Before I stopped to try out D3, I was level 24. As of now, I'm level 46. Not too shoddy for 3 days' work, although I somehow feel that the levelling is kinda slow. Maybe it's because I'm not tearing through mobs like on my hunter. Actually, it's also probably slow since I'm doing green quests, but I'm aiming for completion and knowing the story this time around, rather than just efficient levelling.

But I digress. Was levelling in Eastern Plaguelands last night, at the part where you have to go collect some spider fluids to rescue Gidwynn Goldbraid (who was trapped in a cocoon). So you have to go into the tunnel to kill the spider thingys, and lo and behold, I bump into FIVE other people. Five people (2 Horde - 1 85, 3 Alliance - 1 85) in a small tunnel in the middle of nowhere. I never used to bump into people while levelling in Barthilas (where I would promptly go "OMG HORDE RUNNNN" since it's a PVP server) and Nagrand. Everything was dead (because everyone was on the same quest) and people were just running up and down the tunnel looking for spawns. I stealthed, and the 85 Tauren /wave at me in my stealthed state. I was very amused, and /hello him back.

I logged off to play D3 with a friend and returned to level about 4 hours later. Was swimming around in the lake looking for the quest mobs, and saw the same Troll Warlock I met in the tunnels 4 hours ago. Went about my merry way questing, and was jogging out of Light's Hope Chapel in search of more mobs, when a level 31 Blood Elf rogue literally SPRINTED past me, a bat hot on his heels. Eastern Plaguelands is a level 40 to 45 levelling area, so he was severely underlevelled and would've been eaten alive by the bat. I think he must have been using the Sprint skill that rogues have, because his character model was actually sprinting the way an athlete would near the finishing line. That image made the scene even more amusing. Anyway, I don't think he turned around to look while he was escaping, but I killed the bat for him. What he was doing in that zone, I have no idea, but thank you sir for providing the lolz.

Also bumped into two people levelling, and see later that they've bought stuff from the AH from me. Seems that one's a tailor, and the other's a LW.

As I'm writing this too, I've bumped into 2 other people levelling as well. Is Eastern Plaguelands a good levelling place or something? Or is it just that Saurfang has more people levelling than Barthilas or Nagrand had? Or maybe I'm just online at the peak periods?

Amusing events aside, I really loved the Darrowshire (at Eastern Plaguelands) and James Hyal (Theramore Isle - yes I decided to quest there for the last time before it gets destroyed in Mists of Pandaria) questlines. Made me cry ;_;

AND to top it all off, I looted Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw) off a panther while questing in STV yesterday. Prices for it on the AH are INSANE (30000g last I checked), so it's awesome that I'm lucky enough to be able to get the pet for free :D

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