2011/06/28 - EGG BRAIN 「EGG BRAIN's THIS IS NOT レコ発 ~ONE MAN SHOW TOUR~」 | 下北沢 Shelter

Jul 04, 2011 15:20

Oh god I keep procrastinating on the [Champagne] live report because I didn't enjoy it as much as I should have since I wasn't feeling too great that day, and was still recovering from TOTALFAT's show two days before :x Instead, I'm writing this one first because I figure that it will be pretty short.

Second time at Shimokitazawa Shelter! Left all my crap in school because I remembered that Shelter doesn't have lockers in the livehouse (why??? :( ). After my previous tragedy for the GRAND COLOR STONE live (i.e. the live I had a ticket for but DIDN'T attend ^%#*&@^#*!), I made sure to CHECK the time the show started.

My ticket was in the C-series, so I figured that I didn't have to be there punctually for door opening. Bumped into a friend in the supermarket (yes, my bumming place of choice hahaha), and he took me on a short tour of Shimokitazawa since he lives there. Did not know that Disk Union was just across the roa from Shelter. Was a noob, but a noob no longer! :D

Sold out show! Not surprising at all, really. Shelter's not too big, and they have a considerable fanbase. There was a long queue outside the livehouse, and I was all "WTF WHY HAVEN'T THEY ENTERED YET???", but realised that the livehouse staff was calling for all ticket numbers to enter. Turns out that the line was for goods. Figured that I could do without the tour shirt for now, and headed in (more people queuing = less people on the floor, yes?). Decided to stay at the back because I've died in EGG BRAIN's moshpits before, I had a bag, and my body was unaccustomed to it after staying out for so long.

SE: Earth, Wind & Fire "September"
01. ZERO
02. PLAN X
03. HIGHWAY-26
08. SWEETLESS LULLABY (?) - new song
21. YEA!YEA!

EN02. UP TO YOU (?) - new song

Random observation: all their song titles are in capital letters. Why?? Hmm. Anyway, yes same SE haha. I like the song so all's well. Good decision on my part to stay at the back, because the mosh was as terrifying as I remembered it to be. It being a small livehouse plus a full capacity crowd made it worse. I was standing about third row from the back with the supposedly more chillax-ed people, but still had to continually push stray moshers who invaded our territory. I will enter the mosh again after my fractured nose heals :/ And goodness knows when that will be. Ugh stupid doctors who insist it's perfectly fine. I CAN FEEL THE BLOODY INDENT THERE. WTF DO YOU MEAN BY "NOTHING WRONG"??? %^#Q%$*^&#^@*&#^*

Sorry, back on topic.

The band entered and immediately went into the first song. After HIGHWAY-26, Joy went, "Staring at the Same Old Star.. Sing along!" Don't know if people understood him, but everyone usually sings along during the chorus where there are the "woah ahh ahhhhh" parts anyway so that didn't matter. They paused the song in the middle and Joy told the crowd, "We want to hear your beautiful voices, okay?" Awww <3

There was a short break after "STARING AT THE SAME OLD STAR". It feels strange to write what Joy says because I don't have to translate since he speaks in English most of the time. That being said, it felt like pretty... strange, vaguely forced English. This is my first time at their one-man show despite it being my fourth time seeing them live, so it never really struck me until now since they don't have much time to speak during the usual tight 20-minute sets at festivals. At that point of time, I had thought that he was trying to use as simple English as possible (keeping in mind that he's addressing a Japanese crowd, half of whom probably can't speak it to save their lives), but that was not quite the reason as I found out after the show. He went, "You guys look... good!" only to be met with vaguely confused silence (lol awkwarddddddd). He tried again (to a better response this time around), and eventually went "楽しいの?" before the crowd responded in the regular manner. Tabata (bassist) commented about him using English all the time, and they went into the next song.

I finally get to hear "FIRST DATING DAY" live! Was really happy to hear it. Guess they usually play the more popular ones (the set few, like "SEVENTEEN", "PLAN X", "YEA!YEA!" and "ROLLERCOASTER") at fests due to the time limit, but a one-man means that you get to hear songs you don't usually hear :) During the MC, Tabata went, "HI. WE ARE EGG BRAIN. IN SHIMOKITAZAWA." To which Joy replied, "It's my job. English is my job! Shut up!" Tabata: "Yur jab?" (i.e. "Your job?" - I'm typing it exactly as was pronounced). Joy: "What? My job. Job." Tabata: "Jabbu." Joy: "誰がジャッブや?" ("Who's Jabbu??"). Some more exchanges, then Joy: "Shut up! I hate you! マジでhate you." Lolwut? Anyway, more exchanges before they started going "Baad home?" (which sounded like "baard home" to me) and I got lost.

Tabata announced the release of their 音源 in November (YAYYYYYY \\O//) and they played a new song. The band got everyone clapping during the introduction. Joy said that this was a marching song and asked the crowd if they liked marching (to which people went "YEA", which was pretty "huh why are you guys going yea?" to me ahahaha). They started on the new song, but after the first 16 bars, Joy shouted, "STOP!", the crowd went "Woaaaaa???" and he said, "This song gets faster.", followed by what seemed like awkward silence arising from non-understanding of what he said, before he said the same thing in Japanese, "この曲は速くなるよ!" and normalcy returned.

"ROLLERCOASTER" is one of the songs I love. Jumping with a bag is hard though. (Shimokita Shelter, Y U NO HAVE LOCKERZ??) "This one is dedicated to my dad," said Joy before they started on "DADDY". Awww... you go, Joy! He did something which reminded me of ROY of THE BAWDIES though. It was after "DADDY", and he was introducing the next song with something along the lines of it being some anniversary. Turns out the next song was called "BIRTHDAY". It wasn't any of the members' birthdays either, so I figured that he was probably doing the introduction the ROY way XD Anyway, I think it was during "ROLLERCOASTER" that I happened to look to the right and saw stack44's fin standing at the staircase! Also saw a couple of other bandmen there as well, and one dude who looked awfully familiar, but I couldn't for the life of me remember which band he was from. I did recall right at the end, though.

Another short MC after "METEOR". The English is so random it's funny. Joy (to audience): "It's dark, so I can't see you. Sorry." Tabata: "You are welcome." Joy: "No way!" Tabata: "違う道? ("Wrong way?")“ Joy: "Shut up! (And in Japanese) This has been going on since 3 days ago. Why??" ... and so on. Tabata did some actions where he was talking (so his lips were moving and all) but there was no sound. Everyone went "whoaaaaaa" but I didn't know why they were reacting that way (I mean, it's not THAT hard...). In any case, Joy moved the conversation on and to the next song (I'm typing it exactly as he says it in English), "It's night, the stars are shining bright. In the... Shimokitazawa sky. And your faces!... many many many faces, look so beautiful! Thank you! Good smile, good smile. We want... this night. To be very... happy! Okay? 今夜も楽しむで!!This one's in the SEVENTEEN single." and they played "TONIGHT".

It was another really random MC after "JAMES", which mainly involved Tabata and Joy making weird animal noises onstage. Okay to be fair, I think someone from the audience started going "rweauh!" like a cat and the band was like "Animal? Dog? Cat?" Someone (I think it was Tabata?.) did a Donald Duck impersonation, and Joy went, "Yea I think if we actually did this about 5 more times, you guys won't be clapping anymore." Tabata then did some more weird noises of a car zipping past really fast. And they were like "Hurhur these are these things people usually do at the after-parties." More stuff happening onstage that I can't recall, Tabata going "Do you know why we're doing all this today? It's because we're having awesome fun!", some talk about "Shimokitazawa magic"... Then Joy went, "They are friends.. My friends!" to which Tabata replied, "No, my family." Totally stole Joy's thunder, and he went "I HATE YOU! I REALLY HATE YOU!" Tabata responded with, "でもI NEED YOU!", and Joy responded with, "I'm singing, so...". Then they went (in super kiampah voices) T: "If you're not around, I guess I'll just have to be the one singing." J: "Yea, I'd like to see that." Aww so much band member love going around hurhurrr XD

Aaanyway on a more serious note, Tabata talked about how this tour was not planned because they were promoting a newly-released CD (as almost all tours here are for), but solely for the sake of wanting to do shows. He hadn't expected such a warm response from the fans, and was very grateful for that. They're from Kobe, and do a two-man show every one to three months where they invite guest bands to play with them. Because of the success of this one-man tour, they were considering doing it nation-wide. There were previous concerns that because it wasn't a promotional tour, people wouldn't come since they wouldn't be able to hear new songs being played and such (and he said that he suppose these are the things bands don't really say out in the open. I appreciate honesty, so 10 points to them). But for the band, all they really want is just to enjoy the time with everyone, so they hoped to come up with plans similar to this one in the future. Joy continued by thanking everyone for coming tonight. "It's sad," he said. "We all know that nothing's gonna last forever. But everything has an end. We had a great time, thank you! I hope you guys had too. 楽しかった? We've got a few more songs, and I wish that this fucking moment would last forever. I don't want to sing this song.. This song's called "ENDLESS SUMMER"."

"YEA!YEA!" is another song I love to hear live. Thankfully it's one of the songs they usually play so I get to hear it every time.

This picture isn't too good because it was taken from an angle which was too low. But it's to show the crowdsurfers sitting on peoples' shoulders (hopefully their friend's and not some random stranger haha) during the part where the band usually pauses and lets the crowd sing for awhile. I counted 10 people, and I'm sure there were more in front that I couldn't see because my view was blocked. Joy commented about how the person being sat on must be having a tough time because the section was pretty dragged out XD "YEA!YEA!" transited to "SEVENTEEN". They usually play this near the start, but I guess you can take your time when it's a one-man.

The main set ended and there was a huge rush for the drinks. Which normally wouldn't concern me, but I was standing at the back where the drink bar was :/ The band came out after some clapping. Joy announced that they were going to play an old song, and the band started on "NO ONE KNOWS BUT...". Unfortunately, they ended the encore with a song which I wasn't familiar with, so that was kinda a bummer for me heh. Oh well, you can't win all the time :x

The show ended, they threw picks etc (of which I couldn't partake in because I was standing at the back), and I made my way to the front to try to take a photo of the stage.

Didn't know they had a customised bass drum head! Awesome! :D

Tried queuing for the tour shirt, but got to the front and was told that XS was sold out, and the smallest was S size. It was too big for me, so I gave up ;_;

Collected my free sticker! It comes with answering a questionnaire. Was thinking of filling up more than one form (like some of the other fans) so that I could get more than 1 sticker, but felt guilty for skewing their results and didn't do it in the end.

Evidently there were loads of bandmen there tonight. TAKUYA and Kensuke of GLORY HILL, stack44's fin (as mentioned earlier), Sugi (guitarist of coldrain)... Only found out a couple of hours later that he was from coldrain. What to do, not a fan. He actually helped me take a photograph HAHA. I kept wondering who the dude who looked like TAKUYA but with lip piercings was. Ohvellz :x The CATCH ALL Records boss was there too, and FAT PROP's manager (he was the guy I mentioned that looked familiar earlier, but I couldn't remember which band he was from). Don't think he remembers me, so I didn't say hi because it'd be weird.

Joy came out and I chatted wit him for awhile. Turns out that while he's fine with listening to people speak in English, he can't really speak it that well. Which kinda explains the MCs I guess.. I thought he was just speaking slowly and choosing easy words so that the audience could understand him. He said that he was really interested to visit Singapore (PLEASE COMEEE I WILL BRING YOU GUYS AROUND), and had to run off to help pack up.

Wanted to ask for a sign and photo, so I hung around some more. I was wearing my DEVILUSE shirt, and the other person wearing a DEVILUSE tank top asked if I liked the brand. Found out that he was a staff of the brand, but the conversation didn't last long (my fail Japanese + half deaf). Very sad, since he seemed like a friendly guy. Anyway, the rest of the band finally came out, and I got my siggy.


Joy spelt my name wrongly (lol). He drew all over the back of the sticker, and when I passed it to Uchida (the drummer) to sign, he was all "WTF there's no space!!" and ended up using a pen to sign in the eye of Joy's drawing. Joy had to rush off for the after-party so I didn't get my photo :( but I got one with Uchida! :D Kinda sad that he didn't get to say anything AT ALL during the entire show, and I'm sure there are some people who forgot that he was there, even though I really like him as a drummer :( I think he'd be a very fun person to talk to... only if I knew how to respond. He was making funny noises at me while I was leaving, but I froze up because I didn't know how to react, and just continued on my way. He probably thought I was ignoring him. FAIL, SELF. THIS IS WHY YOU WILL NOT PASS N2 T_T

Next live: 2011/07/01 - ROCK'A'TRENCH 「Active Rock vol.1」 GUEST: tobaccojuice | 代官山UNIT

egg brain, concert, live report

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