2011/02/10 - GLORY HILL 「Teenage Revival Tour 2011」 GUEST: EGG BRAIN/stack44 | BAYSIS (横浜)

Feb 12, 2011 02:51

Deviating from the usual style, there'll be two parts this this report. The first will be the regular one I write after every live. The second part will be random flailings, and thus will be friends-locked. Sorry about that, but hey you're not missing out on much anyway, don't worry (in fact, perhaps you should just stop after the first part).

I buy tickets so far in advance that I usually end up holding on to them for months. Bought tickets to today's live during GLORY HILL's "Break the deadRock" event at the beginning of December last year, which means that I've been hanging on to these for more than 2 months. Also bought tickets to their one-man final at Shibuya QUATTRO on 30 April, so I would have been hanging on to those for... 5 months D:

On the bright side, my ticket numbers are awesome. A3! I've never been the first to enter the livehouse before. But anyway that's beside the point.

New venue today, Yokohama BAYSIS! Bought a GLORY HILL tour shirt because I would be attending their tour final anyway. Rather disappointed that the tour dates and venues weren't listed on the back. Am a sucker for those kinds of shirts. Stuffed my... stuff in the locker (was a tight squeeze due to the boards I had brought, BUT I DON'T REGRET IT ONE BIT), and then headed to the floor.

I was going to comment that the sound system was pretty good because hearing levels were vaguely comfortable during EGG BRAIN's set. However, the next two sets happened and I can't really say that with confidence anymore. They had to do their soundcheck in between anyway, so it's not their fault. After previous experiences, I went in contacts, and it was pretty liberating. Am glad I brought dailies over. Anyway this could also be due to the fact that I was standing off-center - stood stage left, where the guitarist's spot is. Quite a nice spot, think I'll stand there in the future.

As mentioned above, EGG BRAIN started the night. The last time I saw them was at Shimokitazawa Daisy Bar.

06) PLAN X
There's more but this is where my recording died. Considering that I had about 9 minutes left on my recording, probably 2 songs more (since they stretched one song out pretty long).

There were two dudes standing in front of me, not in your usual punk live gear, holding drink cups in their hands. They kinda went D: at the mosh and at the crowdsurfers going by, and clutched their cups more tightly. I later found out that they were there for GLORY HILL (because that's when they looked vaguely more excited), but looking at them reminded me of myself back when I attended my first live in Japan (CATCH ALL SHOW 2010). Ah, the days of innocence (lol).

It was funny during the MC, when the Vo/Gu did a literal translation of GLORY HILL into Japanese (GLORY = 栄光, HILL = 丘. Therefore, GLORY HILL = 栄光の丘) which turned an awesomely cool band name into something... not so cool XD He continued calling them 栄光の丘 for the rest of this MC haha. This was met with an "OI" of protest from KO-01 (GLORY HILL's bassist) who apparently was sitting/standing(?) in the corner of the stage (he might have been part of the audience, I couldn't see from my spot). Anyways, he asked if the audience had listened to 栄光の丘's new CD, mentioned that it's been a long time since EGG BRAIN played in Yokohama, and said that they'd be doing a couple of older songs.

The next MC was done by the bassist, who talked about how they left Kobe this morning for Yokohama, and how there was a slight worry if they would make it due to weather reports stating that there'd be lots of snow today. I wonder if EGG BRAIN would release anything any time soon, because the bassist them mentioned that they were in the midst of writing new songs! :D Then they mentioned something about making a promise in Spring? The release of a new something? Cherry blossom viewing? (Probably the former though haha.) And the Vo/Gu and Bassist shook hands. Which left our poor drummer stuck behind the drumset gesturing away frantically for them to include him as well (aww <3). Apparently people have been saying that he (the drummer) is becoming cuter, according to Joy (Vo/Gu. Not using his surname to refer to him like I usually do for others, because I don't know how to read his surname 薬師 - which Google Translate tells me means "Healing Buddha". I don't know why, but am greatly amused), to which Tabata (? - Bassist. Oh man I am terrible at this) went "NO WAIIII!!!!" since Uchida (drummer) was a year older than the both of them. I don't really know what happened next because I got lost, but then Uchida went "WAOW!" (which in my owarai-tuned brain, sound like the same sound that the character "Happy Boy" uses during his gags in the Gaki no Tsukai Batsu Games). Oh after listening to the MC for the third time, it seems that that was the intended reference since I heard one of the band members say "Masuda Okada"! Am I finally getting Japanese references??? *POPS CRACKERS IN CELEBRATION*

I have no idea what the last song's title is, but there's the part at the end where everyone goes "yea yea yea", and they invited dudes from the other bands out. I don't know some of the guys' names, but I do know that KO-01 (GLORY HILL), TAKUYA (GLORY HILL) and fin (stack44) came out. There was another dude, but I can't for the life of me recall who he is. It's so awesome that my favourite bands are best buds with each other <3

After EGG BRAIN was stack44 (obviously, since this was GLORY HILL's album release tour after all). The intro SE "take back your XXX" started playing, and the band entered the stage. As compared to EGG BRAIN, stack44 has more dance-y tracks (in my opinion, at least). No setlist because of iPhone fail, but I remembered them playing, in no particular order except for the first and last songs:

Mr. latecomer
Dance! Dance!
after the rain, after the rainbow
I'm home
wake up! wake up!

I'm sure there's more songs since EGG BRAIN had 9, but I can't remember, and couldn't get my paws on the band members' written setlists.

The moment the band appeared on stage, I went -_- because the drummer came out in thigh-length, blue/red/white/vaguely Captain America-themed spandex. Did he borrow them from TOTALFAT's Kuboty??? Or it could be just that I'm a bum and never noticed that he always wore those. Possibly the latter. I mean, anything is possible if you already wear a shiny red-sequinned headband, right?? XD

I don't remember much from this set, just that I jumped around and danced a lot. It's been... about 3.5 months or so since I last saw stack44 perform, so it's been a loooongg time (the longest interval so far for me, at least). I love how fin (Vo) always tries to include the audience, be it via sing-a-longs, or just simply moving as far forward as possible to be physically near us. If I'm not wrong, during the second-last song he got us to clump around the center (which resulted in a mini crush) and held the mic over us while we sang. I think performers who try to bridge the stage-floor gap are awesome :)

Anyway, today's show was the last one on GLORY HILL's tour which stack44 would be playing support for, so fin wished them all the best for the rest of their shows. Which was really a case of situational irony considering what happened later on XD

Last band of the night, GLORY HILL! I really want the shirt that reads "GLORY HILL CREW". Might have to trawl auctions for it or something, because I don't think it's being sold anymore, and I don't think they have an online shop. I saw it at the Break the deadRock event, but by the time I got to it, they only had L/XL/basically a size which wouldn't fit me left.

As usual, I am only sure of the first song, the last song before the encore, and the first and last songs for the encore. There were 3 songs during the encore in total if I remember rightly.

It's All Over
Get Up
Freedom Train
I'll Be
Cosmic Fly

Go For Break!!

I'm surprised I remember so many songs actually. Anyway, I did mention in the previous live report I did for THE BAWDIES that I love "happenings" during the live (i.e. screw-ups), and boy did I get what I wanted. Just in case that came off as me wishing for mistakes to happen, I want to clarify that I -don't- want things to happen. Only that when these things happen, it just makes me feel more strongly that everything's raw and live.

But moving on. During on the MCs, KO-01 asked if the audience had watched football (probably referring to Japan's Asian Cup win). I hadn't because I have no television. And if I had a television, I'd be playing Rock Band 3 anyway >:( One dude in the audience was wearing a football jersey, and KO-01 asked for the dude's name (no idea why he asked. Anyway the dude's surname is Sakai hurhur). He went on to talk about how one of the guy's on the team (center back?) was his friend. Before the football match, he sent a text to wish him all the best, but didn't get a reply. He then tried calling, and then realised that the friend had changed his number and mail without telling him. So he made an appeal to the audience (perhaps jokingly, I have no idea) to link them up if any of them knew the guy in person. Somewhere along the way (I can't remember if it was during GLORY HILL's MC or stack44's MC), they polled the audience to find out how many Yokohama-ites there were (about 2/3 to 3/4 of the audience raised their hands).

Can't remember much else of the MC, I think there might have been one more, but I'll add it in when I remember what was being said. Moving on to the Highlight of the Night! So "BRAVE DRIVE" started off pretty normally and the first verse ended fine. Then they went into the chorus, and for some reason TAKUYA suddenly dropped the melody a couple of keys lower (5, perhaps?). I have no idea what happened there, but anyway he continued singing in the new key, with the band members shooting him and each other bemused looks.They still tried to harmonise with TAKUYA, but after the first verse, gave up completely. So basically it was the band playing the song in the right key, just with the vocals singing in the wrong key. I felt vaguely bad, because that cracked me up so much that I ended up laughing for the entire song, and I think JUNYA (the guitarist) saw.

After that song, the band left the stage, and I was surprised at how short it took before they came out for the encore. The moment KO-01 appeared at the door frame, the clapping stopped abruptly and there was a couple of seconds of awkward silence (lol). All the band members except TAKUYA came out on stage, KO-01 talked a little about the "happening", and got everyone to call out "Murakami!" to welcome him back on stage (and this is where I found out what his surname was heh). TAKUYA talked for a bit, and confessed to not only singing in the wrong key, but getting the lyrics wrong as well. Aww it's alright, we still love you dude <3

They went into the encore. I hope it's not because his throat was giving him problems, because it seemed like he was struggling during the opening part of ROUTE 26. There'd be times when he would falter and change the key for some notes, and I was really worried that he'd change the entire key again. Once is fine, but doing that too many times would spoil the show. Thankfully, it smoothened out after the first chorus, and he seemed fine for the rest of the encore.

The show ended, and I tried hanging around a bit to see if they were giving out setlists. Unfortunately, the staff took them and left. Speaking of which, it seems like that dude can teleport. I saw him at the left side of the stage, but during the next song he had mysteriously teleported to the right side of the stage D:

KO-01 suddenly appeared at the side of the stage to pack up the stuffs there, and after a short exchange with some of the fans there, opened up a cigarette box-looking box and started handing out stuff from it. It didn't take me long to realise that he was handing out the bass picks he uses, and I stretched my hand out for one as well! That was really sweet of him, considering that there were 8 to 10 of us there and he gave each of us one ("They cost 100yen each!", he said)^^ I turned to leave, and spied at the corner of my eye Gotou (guitarist of LOCAL SOUND STYLE)! I guess it wasn't that big of a surprise, considering that GLORY HILL and LOCAL SOUND STYLE are good friends. Then I noticed an elderly Caucasian couple standing at the back of the livehouse and looking really out of place. Felt really tempted to go up to talk to them because I was finally not the only foreigner anymore. Then I realised that they were here with another Japanese dude who was speaking to them in not-too-bad English. I think he's a bandman too, because he later introduced Gotou to them, and seemed friendly with all the other dudes as well.

I had come fully with the intention to demachi, and figured that I had until the 23:55h train departing Kannai to do so. Unfortunately didn't get to meet any of the GLORY HILL guys, but I managed to get all the siggies of the stack44 band members, thanks to fin who went around helping me hunt down his bandmates :) Chatted with him and the bassist for a little bit before leaving to run for my last train. It seems like my uncle could possibly consider selling him pineapple tarts in Japan, considering that all the people here who I have offered them to have loved it. Wanted to offer to the other dudes as well, but it's a little problematic when you don't really know their names. Anyway, not going into details here about the demachi experience, will continue my squee session in the friends-locked Part 2.

I managed to catch my last train home, back from an awesome live. Talked to lovely friends online. Made pasta for dinner at 3am. Was going to sleep at 7am, and realised that it was snowing outside, my first time seeing it snowing in Japan. Life is good :)

Next show: 2011/02/13 - CATCH ALL RECORDS presents 『甘CATCH ALL NIGHT 2011』 | 新宿ACB HALL

egg brain, concert, live report, stack44, glory hill

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