2010/12/17 - EGG BRAIN 「I-SCREAM NIGHT VOL. 1」 GUEST: ivory7 chord | 下北沢Daisy Bar

Dec 23, 2010 04:51

In between oversleeping every single day and thus missing all my classes this week (and on last Thursday as well), I realised that I haven't written the live report for the EGG BRAIN/ivory 7 chord live yet.

Surprise, surprise my recording died on me AGAIN. It's a sign that I should find a replacement quick before Countdown Japan D: It caught the whole of ivory 7 chord, but apart from the first song of EGG BRAIN's set, the rest is a blank. Kinda like one's brain during an exam, if you know what I mean. Also, since it's been quite a few days since the live, I don't remember much. Wasn't a very impactful one anyway, since I was mainly there to try out bands, not to support a band which I was a big fan of.

Got to the livehouse with the help of a friend and the GPS on my iPhone. Yes, my iPhone amazingly has GPS even though I turned off data. All I apparently needed to do was to pre-load the maps. I don't know, it's kinda scary. I dread the moment when my parents call and go "About your phone bill last month...". At any rate, I got to the livehouse on time.

Wasn't feeling too awesome, so I headed to the platform at the back, in front of the sound tech's box. In retrospect, I should have saved my 500yen and brought my bag into the livehouse instead, since I saw some other people doing so too. I had always thought that livehouses were non-smoking, but apparently this one wasn't. So I had to endure cigarette smoke. Ugh. And it would always be one or two buggers at the other end of the livehouse, but since this was a small livehouse, it made no difference at all.

ivory 7 chord was the starting band. I would write a set list since I have the full recording, but I don't think anyone's interested in it, and I would have to scour Youtube because I don't own their albums. Very troublesome, I am lazy hurhurhur. If anyone really wants though, I will do it.

Although I didn't really take to what I heard of them on Youtube (I think I tried 2 songs or so?), I was pleasantly surprised during the live. They won't attain black hole status like TOTALFAT and the like, but I might just like them normally after all. Bands are best heard live <3 They played a (approximately) 45-minute set, and then left the stage for the roadies to set up the stage for EGG BRAIN.

I was debating if I should head to the mosh for EGG BRAIN, but decided to hang back and see what happens, since I didn't intend to join the mosh in the first place (and thus didn't bring a change of tshirt). The first song started, and looking at the situation of the mosh from the back, I quaked in my sneakers. I've been to punk concerts before (in fact, all are punk apart from LACCO TOWER), but this is the first time I've looked at the mosh and the first thought that springs to my mind is "WTF VIOLENCE". I guess that could be attributed to the fact that it was an awfully male-dominated crowd (as compared to the others I've been to anyway. Punk concerts are always male-dominated).

At any rate, I quaked in my sneakers for two songs... and joined the mosh. I was fearing for my life the whole time, but I realised that the experience you get from standing at the back to watch a concert is similar to if you were to watch the concert on DVD, which then kinda defeats the point of being physically present at the live in the first place. On a different note, I also want to say that the sweat smell was horrible. I've never smelt anything like this before D: So I therefore conclude that EGG BRAIN has smelly boys as fans hahaha (literally, and I'm sure some of them are figuratively smelly as well XD ).

It was pretty funny at some points, because the ceiling of the livehouse was obviously pretty low, so the EGG BRAIN dudes kept hitting the lights/ceiling, especially the vocals/guitarist because he was so tall. The vo/gu is a half (America/Japan), and looks mixed, so it was awesome to hear Kansai-ben coming from him (I think EGG BRAIN's from Kobe?). Hell, it's awesome to hear Kansai-ben coming out of anyone <3 They said pretty interesting stuff during the MC, but my recording failed so my MC translation is going to be fail as well. The only part I remember now is ジョーイ (Joy?) asking what's there in Shimokitazawa. The answers he got were "雑屋 (shop selling random knick knacks? Not sure how to describe it :S )" and "カフェ (cafe)", to which he exclaimed "オシャレの定番や!(That's the epitome of trendiness!)" (flash fact: Shimokitazawa's supposed to be a trendy area, so I've heard). I unfortunately don't remember what else they talked about :(

So anyway, after being crushed, having crowdsurfers flail their legs narrowly in my face, getting the chance to see how people actually start their crowdsurfing in the first place (by kinda leapfrogging off someone else's back), and trying to sneakily maintain my place beside a shiny boy who was standing on my left (who I thought looked like a bulkier version of Hosomi Takeshi with a slight goatee, but a quick glance in the light made me think twice - though to be fair, the glance was also too quick because I am a shy girl), the show ended. Not surprisingly, I was drenched (though not as badly as the TOTALFAT live), but it was also windy and less than 10 degrees outside, and I didn't have a change of shirt.

Was a little disappointed that I didn't hear many EGG BRAIN songs that I knew (i.e. songs from their newest album). At least, none that I recognised anyway, which would probably be my own fault since I am not a huge fan and don't really know their stuff all that well. But as usual, I left pretty satisfied because I got my fill of live music :D


ivory 7 chord, egg brain, concert, live report

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