Jul 07, 2010 08:08
Skullcandy headphones broke, will look for replacements. Seems like the price online is cheaper than what my parents bought them in Australia for. UNFORTUNATELY, there weren't the rich purple/white ones which I really really really (did I say "really"?) want. Sigh. Maybe I'll upgrade and get one of the DJ-esque ones, though I suspect they'll be a pain to carry around due to size and possibility of being impossible to fold.
Will start packing on Thursday night for Pittsburgh, since I'm hoping to go out on Friday night. It totally slipped my mind that we were being let off on Friday, or I would have booked my plane tickets for Friday instead (there was a flight at about 6 I think? But I thought I couldn't make it. Sadface. Now I arrive at 12pm with half a day gone).
Slowly getting photos up. Is it just me, or has Facebook been changing the program thingy for us to upload photos? >:(
But please bear with the 1001 pictures of fireworks and 10001 pictures of the sky. If you stare hard at each photo, you'll realise that they're different from each other. Really! :D
There's a lab open house on Thursday, so come down if you want to play test our games! (Though I doubt any one is in the area during this time. Oh well, no harm trying I suppose.)
Happened to catch the Brother online last night, and got a scare when he said that the Mother was heading to the hospital and that something tested positive (though he has no idea what the "something" is).
I know I've mentioned this before, but the thought of our mortality scares me (to death, haha) sometimes.
It's 8th of July over in Japan but still the 7th over here, so I'm going to just say that it's still Tanabata and make my wish (though I've no tree to hang it on).
(Sorry for bad grammar.)