May 04, 2009 19:08
Considering that the section I thought was going to be okay was, to my horror as I discovered today, NOT okay, I don't think I'll be able to sit through the entire 2-hour duration because I'll just be bumming there and enjoying the aircon and NOT being able to do the questions. Wait, actually I don't know if my paper is 2h or 2.5h, because nothing was said (or if it was, I forgot), and it was only up to the past 2 years that the paper was 2.5hours. Previous years' were all 2h. And the past years' (before the previous two years) papers were easier, I thought.
The only reason why I'm not freaking out as much as for EE3501 is because this paper is worth 20% of the final grade.
Maybe I'll feel better if I just look at it as a mid-sem test paper that I bombed for. Which I have always been doing in all of my uni life anyway.
Perspectives - they make life more bearable.
My only light at the end of the tunnel: WALA WALA TOMORROW NIGHT :DD
And er Japanese KTV Idunnowhen.