
Mar 25, 2008 21:50

Y el tiempo empieza.... YA!

Me he propuesto terminar esta entrada en 10 minutos, cuando suelo tardar una hora y media en cada post. Así me demuestro a mí misma que puedo controlar la maldita verborrea :PPPPP

Hoy no tengo nada demasiado especial de qué hablar, así que es solo una ida de pinza, más o menos. Estoy de bajón y no me apetece rayarme por ( Read more... )

ida de pinza, zettai kareshi

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yagami_veruska March 26 2008, 02:08:08 UTC
Hahahaha!!!! *hugs you back*
Don't worry about, cute girl!! I can understand some words in Spanish so I understood the most of your post ^^
Zettai Kareshi is a good manga though its ending is so sad...T___T....Ohhh...but I didn't know it has a Live Action....*fails*
Will change your lay? And will it be yellow? Ohhhh!!! So beautiful! I can imagine!!! *dances*
Recently I've been admiring yellow so much...^^'...maybe because of Rikkai?
Thank you so much for trying to help me *.*
*hugs you once again*

Ahhhh! I almost forgot! Your new icon is so perfect!!! *staring at it*


ayu_t March 26 2008, 13:35:24 UTC
O.o You knew some words in Spanish and you didn't tell me! xDD But I'm glad you could understand the most of my post ^^

Yeah, it's sooo sad. I remember crying a lot when I finished reading it TT.TT I knew it has a LA about a month ago, and I was really excited. But it seems it isn't what I thought... *cries* Anyway, I'm watching it, so let's see LOL

Yes, I'll change it if I have enough time to make a new header and (maybe) background. And of course it'll be yellow because of Rikkai o*w*o It's definitely mt favourite team I was doubting between Rikkai and Seigaku...

Have I helped you in anything? hahahahaha!

Yeah, I couldn't help using that icon. When I saw that scene in he Second Service backstage I think it was that, I felt like doing an icon. Ouji was crying, and Masa was embracing him and saying some words I couldn't understand. But it was very, very sweet *faints*

And I have this other new icon with KiriRen!!! *squee*

*lots of hugs*


yagami_veruska March 28 2008, 02:44:33 UTC
Hahahahaha! Gomen! ^^'
But I just can understand some words...^^...though I understood almost all of your post....*emotional*

I got frustrated with the ending >.<
I really like happy endings....hahahaha! And I just figured out it has a LA 'cause of you...hahaha...isn't it good enough?

Time is a thing I'd like to have too...^^'
When you have time make your header and background! I'm so curious about it...hahaha ^^
before I liked Hyotei so much but now I prefer Rikkai...of course....and I don't like Seigaku so much 'cause of Echizen who won against Yukimura....>.<....but I love Eiji and Tezuka *.* tried to help me....hahahaha

Of course it's sweet! though I can't understand a word they said either >.<
I prefer Ouji x Kane-san though...haha....

Ohhhh! It's a beuatiful icon!!! *drools*
KiriRen is so cute! @.@

Ohhh...I don't want to be inconvenient but can you add me? Sorry for being too unpleasant...and I'm really being inconvenient...sorry....
Gomen nasai >.<


ayu_t March 28 2008, 14:58:37 UTC
That is great! I prefer expressing myself in Spanish xDD I like English too, but it isn't the same :P

Well, I really like sad endings, but Night was like a hero to me. You know waht happens to him TT.TT

I was thinking of doing it this weekend, but I have a huge exam next week, so I have to study -.-u
Yeah, I also think Hyotei is great, and their MyuCast too. I agree with you. I hate Echizen, and also Konomi-san, for doing that. It wasn't fair >o< Ohhh, Tezuka and Eiji *oo*~ But Fuji is definitely my favourite from Seigaku, and my favourite character with Yukimura ^^

O.o I didn't think about it that way. OMG! A new pairing is born! I also prefer Ouji x Kane-san, but Rikkai has infinite posibilities xDDDD

Haven't I added you yet? I think I did :S I'll check it.

You aren't unpleaseant at all, don't worry *big smile*


ayu_t March 28 2008, 15:09:16 UTC
OK, I've checked it and I realised that I hadn't added you. Gomen, now it's fine ^^


yagami_veruska March 29 2008, 02:13:22 UTC
Replying you just now...I'm really sorry for my lateness...>.<
much to do so little time...>.<

Hahahaha! We can talk better by using our mother tongue...^^...Sorry for forcing you to use English...T___T....I'll try to write something in Spanish....please correct me if I make mistakes ^^
Night es realmente un héroe pero él no mereció ese fin....T__T Spanish sucks s lot...^^'
¿A propósito qué otro anime le gusta?
Yo estoy esperando su header pero me no importa realmente si usted no puede hacerlo pronto this was really terrible Buena suerte on your exam ^^
I wanted Yukimura had won the match but this wouldn't be possible 'cause we're talking about Echizen's lost >.<
I hate you Konomi-sensei! Hahaha Fuji is kakkoii *o*....with Yukimura? You mean yaoi? o.O ( ... )


ayu_t March 29 2008, 13:25:12 UTC
Bah, nevermind xDDD I HATE time!

No, you're not forcing me! This is better for me, as I'm practising my English writing LOL it's useful for exams xDD I only said I prefer Spanish because of other reasons. Like the words, the verbs, how it sounds... I just love it. But I love English too :P

It's funny to read you writing in Spanish ^^ You do it well~ And it's more funny when you refer to me as "usted" xDD I never use it in my own language xDD Gracias por la buena suerte *big smile*

Other anime... well, I've watched a lot of series, but my favourites are (apart from PoT): Marmalade Boy (since I was a child), Fushigi Yuugi, Bleach, Fruits Basket, Rurouni Kenshin and Loveless. What are yours?

Oh... Fuji/Yukimura is crack xDD But I meant I like them separately, too ^^

Yeah, I read the whole translation, and it's pure love!! <33 When I hear that track now I feel like going to japan and embrace them XP

No eres molesta para nada ;D
De nada, estoy encantada!


yagami_veruska March 30 2008, 20:02:39 UTC
Hahahaha! I'm practicing my English as well ^^
So do you love your language? Great ^^ I also love my language ^^ And we have more freedom of speech by using our language ^^

Don't you use usted? Ohhhhh!!! I think I made a mistake...I used it because in Latin America it's very used ^^'...but there is difference in Spanish spoken in Spain....
Well...There is difference in Portuguese spoken in Portugal and in Brazil as well ^^'

I've never seen Marmalade Boy T___T...Fushigi Yuugi...I read the manga...not all the mangas 'cause I got angry with Nuriko's death...>.<...I like Bleach ^^ My favorite character is Zaraki...hahaha...strange...hahaha....I also like Fruits Basket...I bought all the mangas of it ^^
And Rurouni Kenshin....I LOVE!!!! ^^

I can't see Yukimura with another person who isn't Sanada >.<
SanaYuki is the most beautiful couple of PoT...on my opinion...hahaha ^^

I also want to embrace them! Hahaha ^^

I'm also encantada ^^ Hahaha ^^


ayu_t March 31 2008, 20:21:52 UTC
I agree with you ^^

You're right xDD They use usted a lot in Latin America, but we only use it here in Spain when speaking to old people LOL.

How can't you have watched Marmalade Boy! It's one of the greatest animes ever! I highly recommend it to you. We both need more TIME!! definitely xD

Fushigi Yuugi... you left it there? Still when Nuriko died? T______T Then you don't know how sad is the story from there... if I cried when I finished Zettai Kareshi, that is nothing compared to Fushigi Yuugi. OMG U_U

Bleach! I'm crazy about it. I have shinigami clothes in my closet xDD My favourite character is Hitsugaya. He's awesome *oo*~ I have his plushie, an action figure, a poster, a keyring, pins... lots of things And I also want to buy a T-shirt xDD.

Why strange? Ken-chan is always great and funny ;D

I've currenty read until volume 15 of Fruits Basket ^^ I'm really thrilled xDD


*hugs back*


yagami_veruska April 3 2008, 14:03:16 UTC
As I promised I'm answering you here ^^

Old people? o_________O
My goodness!!! Forgive me! I didn't know about it >.<
Please forgive me >.<

Ohhh...I need time to watch it too >.<
Many friends of mine tell me about Marmalade Boy ^^
It must be great ^^ Surely we need time ^^

My friend told me Fushigi Yuugi is really very sad...T___T...I cried because of Nuriko's death so I stopped reading....>.<...but I think I regret.... really like Hitsugaya ^^ I also like him ^^
Do you want to buy a T-shirt? Hahahaha ^^
I also want...better...Id like a lot of things that I can't buy at this moment....T___T...just when I started working ^^

Do you like Ken-chan? *emotional* everybody argues with me because of this...they tell me Ken-chan is strange but I reallly like him >_<...and also Yachiru ^^

I'll answer your another comment here 'cause it's way too long ^^
I wish you good luck by going to Shirotan's house ^^
And will you just go to his house 'cause you think he won't be there? o.O....hahahahaha....I'll get nervous too....>. ( ... )


ayu_t April 3 2008, 20:57:20 UTC
Oh, gomen, I saw your other comment yesterday, but I couldn't answer because... guess it... No time. T___T

So, you have to watch/read those two series and then tell me ^^

Yeah, one day I'll take a picture of all my Hitsu stuff and then post it xD I was lucky 'cause I could find good prices in shops, and they weren't very expensive. If I had bought them on the Internet they'd sure be more expensive xDD

Hahahaha! We didn't have more space left on the other entry... it was a record! hahahahaha!

Well, I'm not really daring enough to go there... But if I went I said that I'd only go to know where his house is, because he's now in Japan, and I don't know if he's returning soon to Spain :P

I'm having dinner here again. Sandwiches xDD

Answer soon, please! *beggy eyes* Lots of besos! (LOL)


yagami_veruska April 5 2008, 01:37:32 UTC
No problem! I can understand your reasons coz I also have no time >.<
so little time ._.

Ohhhh!!! I wanna see! If you can put your Hitsu stuff on LJ I'll love!!! I wanna see! But just when you can do this ^^ I know you don't have a lot of time so I'll just wait ^^
On the internet is very expensive >.<
I've just bought Be Crazy over the internet and it was so~
so~ expensive T___T

Today I saw the last manga of Zettai Kareshi *number 6* at the newsstand and this reminded me about you ^^

I think he won't go back to Spain soon....he spent 12 years in Japan...this a kind of sad....*cries*

Sandwiches? I love sandwiches! Hahahaha ^^

I'll do my best to answer you properly ^^


ayu_t April 6 2008, 17:30:16 UTC
Well, I'll post an entry with some photos so you can see Yukito, my Hitsu stuff and my manga collection xDDD You could show me your 'son' and some things too xDDD

Wah! *oo*~ Do you have Be Crazy? Yeah, it must have been quite expensive O.o

Awww~ Do they sell Zettai Kareshi there? Here in Spain they haven't translated it yet and I'm tired of waiting ¬¬
Number 6? Wasn't that the one with the chibi Night on the cover? Or that was number 5? He's so cuuuute *oo*~

Oh, yesterday I watched a bit of 'Cornflakes' with a friend and it reminded me of you too ^^ Though Ouji was crying T____T And he almost fell out of a window *screams* I think his character wanted to die for some reason...

Hahahaha! No problem! I'll go to Japan, then :P

Sandwiches are the easiest way of having dinner when you have no time xDD

Just answer the way you feel like ;D


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