[FIC] Merciless Outsiders

Feb 12, 2011 15:40

Title: Merciless Outsiders
Genre: Tragedy, Friendship, AU
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing(s): USxUK
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 588 (520 without the ‘poem’ at the beginning’)
Warnings: war, blood and all, implied death
Notes: Just something I wrote based on a small ‘poem’ of mine. Written for usxuk ‘s 2011 Special Relationship Sweethearts week.
Summary: Arthur and Alfred facing the reality of war. Not a happy ending.

Merciless Outsiders

I see them outside...
Slowly they are coming our way...

Soon we hear them...
Their heavy steps on the cold ground...

They don't pity anyone...
They don't spare anyone...

They kill everyone...
The blood is flowing...

We hear screams...
And the sound of splashing blood...

We hear their laughs...
When they are torturing another one...

Steps are so loud...
It's over now...

They are outside...
We are next...

Humans are such pathetic and weak creatures. When they are on the worse side of life they search for someone, someone to help them, someone who will make everything all right. They look for them and blame everything on others. Those who are on the better side look down at other, don’t care about anything or anyone. Trying to put them even lower, to destroy them. It is them, the ones who are at the top, that create wars. Wars that destroy everything.

A small nameless village didn’t look like a village anymore. Almost all houses were burnt down and in ruins, the fire still there creating a huge smoke about them all. The small streets, once filled with laughter and happiness of the people living there ware now filled with lifeless corpses, some burning, some dead from a bullet. The rain was creating red rivers on those streets. Soldiers didn’t spare anyone.

In one of the houses, which still was standing, two boys were hiding. The older one, Arthur, was holding the young one, Alfred, as he was crying. With every shot and scream that was closer and closer Arthur knew what was coming. He couldn’t surpass the fear that was overwhelming him. It was unbelievable how everything changed in such a short amount of time. How their childhood changed into this hell. They were both orphans, they were not related in any way but Arthur cared for the younger boy in his arms as if he was his little brother. Because of him his life was better and he promised himself to always protect him.

As another shot and scream was heard followed by a laughers of soldiers Alfred started crying even harder. Arthur then placed both of his hands over his ears to mute the noises. He knew what was coming, being older one and wiser he knew what was going to happen. He could hear the steps on the ground coming down the street and they were getting louder and louder with every minute, with every scream and shed blood.

“It’s okay. Everything will be okay,” he kept on saying to calm down Alfred. He knew he was lying, he felt terrible that he had to lie to the younger boy, but he knew he had to do this. He couldn’t save the boy, there was no way to escape, soldiers were everywhere. That’s why he wanted at least Alfred to have few last moments of peace, just that. Hugging the boy closer still whispering he felt him relax and fall asleep, which he didn’t have for so long. Arthur looked down at him and smiled sadly. That’s right, he should sleep, he would do anything to keep him like that till he would fall into an eternal sleep. He placed the last kiss on the boy’s forehead. “I love you, my little brother,” he whispered. Alfred smiled in his sleep.

And then he hear them. He knew that they were just outside the house, ready to come in any time. And closed his eyes and let the tears fall as he thought ‘we are next…’

The end.

A/N: The ‘poem’ at the beginning is a collaboration between me and my brother. One night (around 3am) my brother came and said the first two lines. Then I just said the another two. And we started talking like that for a good few minutes (Yep, our mother thought we were crazy).

The story itself is bad as I look at it… And I was really reluctant to post it but oh well… If I lost my precious time to write this than to learn to Monday’s important exam I can at least post it… Just don’t kill me…


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