I've been digging for ConYuu fanarts for quite sometime and I want to share it with my fellow ConYuu fans. I'll not put the pic here but the site that host ConYuu fanarts. I know that you can find it in Fanwork recs in the Links (our Underrated community Links) but I found more so here it goes (including what in the Links):
Oh yeah warning:(1) some pic is..well...have mature content inside so beware, (2) this is japanese site so...if you haven't installed japanese words in pc, try to click the link inside the site one by one, that what I did ^^;; (3) if you want to see more pic than in the gallery, try to look at their diary, or note or blog or memo. Usually they have scratches of comic and it's great.
http://www17.ocn.ne.jp/~total73/http://highne.pupu.jp/ma/ this site is kinda strange now. I used to find many gallery but now is just one or two pic?
http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Domino/4984/ click enter and then illust
http://vividgreen.mods.jp/top.htmlhttp://spma.eclisse.info/ click one of square in illust
http://rocca.sakura.ne.jp/http://nago2.hacca.jp/http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~bla-tu/bt-enter.htm click pict. warning: there's some WolfYuu
http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~earthlyparadise/top.htm I know this is actually MuraYuu heheh but I like the pic so I put here
http://www16.ocn.ne.jp/~asachaki/ just click the squares and oh try to click one of this -->1/2/3/4 it's comic
http://1-3.sakura.ne.jp/ it has WolfYuu but it has a nice pic of Conrad
http://www.geocities.jp/az_net999/mam/http://homepage3.nifty.com/arcion-f-guyst/top.htmhttp://ajm.main.jp/http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~hacri/top.html this actually GwenWolf? but they have a nice pic of Mazoku brothers
http://ww3.enjoy.ne.jp/~t-sisters/top.htmlhttp://sinogu.moo.jp/frame.htmhttp://www15.plala.or.jp/baubau/top.htmlhttp://roo.to/ma-tiger/http://s-take-cy.material.cx/top3.htmlhttp://mist.in/karahisa/top.htmlhttp://www.geocities.jp/mrhys225/top.htmlhttp://lisp.jog.buttobi.net/_top.htmlhttp://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~a-escape/top3.htmlhttp://caughtupto.sakura.ne.jp/http://www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~chi-ha/annai.htmlhttp://syujyu.fc2web.com/page005.htmlhttp://cicada.egoism.jp/semitop/semi02/frame02semi.htmhttp://wondersky.sub.jp/m.html try click note or log
http://oh.uh-oh.jp/ma/top.htmlhttp://www.din.or.jp/~hal-935/shunsaku/top.html or
http://www.din.or.jp/~hal-935/shunsaku/illust.htmlhttp://syuzyu.hippy.jp/bluedragon/http://syuzyu.hippy.jp/dandylion/http://mog.pya.jp/55/top.htmlhttp://kanon.velvet.jp/http://privategarden.main.jp/http://ryuhkitei.daa.jp/http://www6.plala.or.jp/SATSUKI/ma/http://www2.tbb.t-com.ne.jp/cactus7703/http://gerusch18ar.uijin.com/http://wizard.mods.jp/http://kimamani.k-server.org/top.htmlhttp://lovebirthday.squares.net/index.html or...if you want more you can try to find it in here :
http://www.geocities.jp/jinanvheika/ there's many link in here, just click one of the link with cactus beside them. Warning: some of the site is kinda NC-17 so beware....again..I told you this before, haven't I? So forgetful
And oh yeah before I forget, you can't take those fanarts and use it without asking the creator, ok? Just saying what's written in their site.