
Sep 27, 2008 21:00

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ingvar1990 September 29 2008, 04:05:41 UTC
He is actually meaning that he is forking clueless about his purpose of the existence and any viable goal he'd try to achieve in Canada... Which shouldn't come to surprise because this spanking Canada is, in fact, an epitome of a general clueless...ness itself...
However, for more sophisticated matters I would strongly recommend to use site "Translit.ru"...
Короче, браза! Транслит.ру -- и никаких! Чисто конкретно работает!!!


natka_doma September 29 2008, 10:30:22 UTC
Ta ti paten'ka, zanuda!
Be be be ...


ingvar1990 September 29 2008, 12:45:31 UTC
Yes, I am!!!
И горжусь этим!!!


kotovsky7 September 30 2008, 02:17:17 UTC
не, зануда - врядли.
типично - трезвый взгляд на Жызнь.


ayta October 1 2008, 12:16:15 UTC
BTW, thanks. I'll use this translit.ru...once...


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