Hello! Despite all appearances, I did not die in France.
It was not a nice thing to do, straight-up abandoning this journal. A lot of people keep blogs and keep them well, and I love people like that, because it's such an accessible and entertaining way to let others into your life and share your thoughts, but I've decided that I'm just not one of them. I'm sure I could be a blogger if I worked and worked and wrote and wrote and expended big fiery piles of energy into being clever and honest in this particular format where it's just so hard not to steal others' lovely, hilarious voices, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
I always roll my eyes when people apologize for not keeping up something voluntary like this since 1.) it's sort of egotistical to assume my ~hordes of fans~ were howling with misery the entire time I was away, and 2.) omg so boring to reeeead tell me a real story!
So there's no real excuse for this, and I'm touched if you've gotten this far. And I'm not abandoning LJ--like I said, I love blogs, and I love reading friends' blogs. I just thought it would be more polite to put up a declaration of intention than to act like I fell in a hole and got eaten by wolves.
Declaration of Intention:
1. I will no longer pretend to be a blogger.
2. Ok but I'm keeping the journal around for commenting and maybe posting pictures sometimes.
3. I don't know if I'll ever stop reading, so please don't you stop writing, too.