
Sep 23, 2010 13:21

Yesterday was a bit terrifying.  My dog (13 year old bichon frise) had had a slight but constant nose bleed for the last few days.  She'd been sick about a month ago and the vet had switched her over to a chicken and rice diet, so we were thinking it was probably a vitamin deficiency.  We tried her on this easy to digest EN dog food, but she was still bleeding after a few days so we took her in.

The vet gave us Vitamin K pills and doxycyclin (just in case there was an infection there), drew some blood and said he'd call the next day.  The blood came back great - except that her platelet count was 0.  He said she'd probably be dead if that were actually true so he'd have the lab redo it.  But bring her in the next day (which was yesterday) so they could do a quick blood smear just in case.

Turns out the lab was right.  She had no platelets.  None at all.  Probably hasn't had them for at least a week, if not more.  I don't know how she didn't bleed out internally.  She was getting these bruises on her, but we thought they were because she had gotten so skinny (being sick) that her bones were digging into the tile when she sat.  It makes me nauseous to think about what could have happened because of what I missed.

She needed a transfusion to give her a jump start before the steriods kicked in, so my other bichon donated 70 ccs of blood.  Poor puppies - I felt like they were in the doggie version of My Sister's Keeper.

Both dogs came home at around 5 yesterday, and the change was unbelievable.  The vet said that she might bleed for a day or two more, but she hasn't had any problems.  Whatever was in Sadie's blood, it must be some good shit.  Breena's been bouncing off the walls.  Demanding to be played with, trying to get up on beds, taking the stairs SO WELL...ack.  So happy, it's awesome to see.

Especially because the topic of euthanizing her was brought up (briefly, because I freaked the fuck out) yesterday.  She's almost deaf and almost blind, but she's SO happy.  And she compensates so well, you'd hardly know that she can't really see.  She can still play fetch - she just sniffs around for the ball until she's close enough to see it.  And there's a cataract surgery that would restore her eyesight (next on my list of major purchases).

I can't put her down because of something that could be fixed.  Not when she's a perfectly happy, healthy (as long as this platelet thing gets resolved) dog.  If she isn't loving life, then it's something I'll force myself to think about.  Until then, no way in hell.

I haven't let her out of my sight today.  Delayed panic mode, I think - big things always take at least a few hours to hit me.  I'm fine when I first hear it, but I'm a sobbing mess later.  Usually after everything's worked out for the best.  LOL.  

my so called life, blahblahblah

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