Feb 16, 2011 14:24
This just in: Writing for a 'female' audience doesn't preclude one from writing about things that are wrong with *people* as opposed to things that are wrong with *women*. With very few exceptions (probably none, since one ought to consider those who are transgendered and transsexual), almost everything is applicable to people, not just women.
In other words: Fuck your* sexist bullshit.
*Written as a general you, not you specifically.
In other news, life is supremely boring! It's very bizarre working instead of going to classes and writing papers and whatnot.
Also, Ohio sucks.
(Another thing: I've noticed that the male students in my class speak up a lot more than the female students. Part of this may be the gender balance in my class, but it's not skewed enough to account for the disparity. I'm not sure how to encourage the women to speak up more other than switch to having hands raised rather than speaking once you've gotten an answer...or to ask the male students to hold back a little. Hand raising doesn't seem like a good option because it slows class down and there's no guarantee they'll raise their hands more. Thoughts?)