To butt in, I found it to be a good in theory, bad in execution sort of thing. The show doesn't balance the two major plotlines well and they end up on almost totally parallel tracks. It felt like Abi Morgan had an idea for a show about the birth of tv news and a Cold War conspiracy adventure and decided to combine them at the last minute. And as I mentioned below, the show should have taken a page from the Mad Men book and acknowledged that Ben Whishaw's character is a horrible person but good at his job.
Tangentially related: in the previouslies for the finale, I was so confused because I thought they were saying that the British government had tried to assassinate NASA and I was like that doesn't even make any sense, and it took me a solid minute to realize they were saying Nasser.
I didn't watch the first season so I can't fairly comment, just caught the finale and the second season premiere during a sneak preview on Direct TV this past weekend. Seems they're doing a bit of a Sam Donovan fixes SportsNight thing in the new year, which looked promising because the actor in the William H Macy role is pretty watchable. I would say it's certainly worth a trial watch and I think you can probably just jump on with the new season, as it doesn't seem like they're carrying over much in terms of the plotlines.
I had the same thought, actually but I thought that perhaps was unfair as I watched a grand total of two episodes of The Newsroom - the pilot, and the Tahrir Square ep.
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