Green Lantern (2011): *. The best thing about this movie was Mark Strong's Sinestro; he didn't get near enough screen time. Reynolds was miscast, and just had no chemistry with anyone else on screen. With Thor and Captain America, I remember thinking to myself, "this would have been so much better if __________". I don't remember ever thinking that with GL, which I think speaks to the fact that the movie was just irredeemably bad. There wasn't a single memorable scene in this. Total whiff.
The Iron Lady (2012): *. Meant to see The Artist, but happened to go on the one day of the week when the showing we wanted was pre-empted by a special Ayn Rand screening. So we saw this instead. Meryl Streep disappeared into this role, but my god, what a yawnfest. I found it oddly paced, difficult to follow, and uninspired. It tried to cover too much, and in doing so, didn't cover anything well.
johnnybvo described the film as the cinematic equivalent of skimming Margaret Thatcher's Wikipedia page, and taking the time to read only the first couple sentences of each paragraph. A shame, really. Given the cast and the subject matter, I thought this really had potential.