Mar 29, 2011 17:46

+ Somewhat awkward, but still worth a listen: a thirty-nine minute interview of Timothy Olyphant on NPR's Fresh Air.

+ Via sdwolfpup, for those on my f-list who haven't tried Community yet ~ The Best TV You're Not Watching: Community. I don't know that anyone could be more late to that bandwagon than I have been, but if you're not watching now - all I can say is give it a chance, unless you're allergic to things that are equal parts awesomely hilarious and awesomely heartwarming.

+ Not awesome? AMC wants Mad Men to lose SIX main actors. So...does that mean we can't go with Matt Long, and the crude guy, and the intern, and Betty, and her mother in law? Cause I could stand to lose those characters. I think. I am the person who was just thinking yesterday that it's a real shame the show never brought Sal back.

+ Stream You Are A Tourist, off of Death Cab For Cutie's upcoming album.

+ More new music: take a peek behind the scenes of the recording of Matt Nathanson's new single, Faster.

You're welcome.

things that are wrong, not that anyone asked, tv: random thoughts, recs begging/pimping, music

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