um, i guess this contains minor spoilers if you actually plan to see Inception, but haven't yet

Dec 02, 2010 15:16

Six New Things We Learned From the Inception Blu Ray Release:

Most importantly:
You shouldn’t feel too bad if you were convinced Cobb’s kids were wearing the same clothes at the end.
Both Nolan and his costume designer have confirmed resoundingly that Cobb’s kids are wearing different clothes at the end of the film (and, more important, that they are, in fact, older), and we ourselves could never quite understand why some people were convinced the kids were wearing the same clothes. But now that we’ve been able to put these shots side by side, we have to say: While the kids are in fact wearing different clothes (and, most definitely, different shoes), somebody (ahem) clearly wanted to keep things a bit uncertain.

Huh. Okay then. (I was among those who was sure the kids were wearing the same clothes at the end.)


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