things i have failed to post about

Jun 23, 2010 14:23

1. THIS GAME NEEDS MORE HUSTON: and it's going to get it, because Huston Lowell Street has been activated! Yes, sir. Nevermind the fact that his rehab outings in the minors were a mixed bag, and nevermind the fact that he got ejected from his final rehab appearance for arguing balls and strikes. The fun has arrived!

2. OKAY, ALL THE HYPE ABOUT STRASBURG MIIIIIIGHT HAVE BEEN WORTH IT: I was at other ballparks for all three of Strasburg's starts, so I haven't seen him pitch yet, but I certainly did my share of scoreboard watching, and yeah, okay, I'm impressed. I hope he keeps it up and makes the All Star roster. I think that might actually be cool.

3. I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT RICH HARDEN: Except that we went all the way to Milwaukee - against our better judgment - and of course, of course, of course, he ended up on the disabled list as soon as we set foot in the state. If he knew what was good for him, he would pay us not to stalk him. Bri has already posted her pictures (rickenbacker), so you can check out trip pics there.

4. I ALSO HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT MARK ALAN MULDER: that is not irrationally mean-spirited. I'm just so angry. It doesn't even make sense, but whatever, I am. I just wish he had owned the retirement rumors back in February. I would have been much more okay with him retiring in February. Well, at least a little bit more okay with it. As it stands, I just feel ill-served. Selfish, I know, but "I guess I'm retired"? "I haven't picked up a baseball since February"? Ugh. Just...ugh. I can't even bring myself to read any of the articles, or to see what anyone has had to say about his uninspired walk into the sunset. This is my Sad Face.

5. BUT HOW ABOUT THAT TIMMY HUDSON?: The man he is. Yes :D I see Barry Zito is still siphoning Dan Haren's mojo, but at least Timmy's having a good year. I get such a kick out of seeing his name in the top five of the league leaders boards.

6. OH YEAH, 24 ENDED: The series finale did not feel at all like a series finale until the last 2 minutes, but by the end, I was just glad the show was over because I hated what the writers did to President Taylor. And I kinda hated that Cole was the one busted out of handcuffs to bring Jack in when it should have been Tony, especially with this being the last season, and the lack of resolution with him last year. On the positive side, at least Jack's not dead. I was never in the Jack Should Die When The Show Ends camp.

7. AND I STILL DON'T GET IT: johnnybvo made me and Bri watch some eps of Dr. Who last night, before we were mercifully saved by a power outage. I just do not get the appeal of that show, people! (The Doctors in question were 10 and 11, if I have any idea what I'm talking about, which might be giving myself too much credit where that show is concerned.)

8. RECS?: I'm having dinner at The Cheesecake Factory tonight. Is there anything there that anyone really loves, food-wise? I feel like everything I've had there has just been okay.

9. CONFESSION: I spent $19.00 on Laura Mercier lipliner last week. Yeah. I've never used lipliner. I don't even know how to use lipliner. In my defense, I have watched A LOT of Mad Men over the last 40 or so days.

10. BEATLES TRIBUTE BAND CONCERT FOR 2010? CHECK: Bri, Sis, and I are going to see the Classical Mystery Tour at the Kennedy Center tomorrow night. Bri hasn't dragged me to a Beatles tribute thing in ages - maybe I got a pass cause we went to see McCartney last year? I don't much like the Beatles, but I really like classical music. So, should be interesting ;) Plus, you know, it's the Kennedy Center, and pretty much that's always a fun time, regardless of what you're seeing.

mlb: the big three, mlb: odds and ends, tv: 24, tv: random thoughts, mlb: 2010 ballgames, mlb: baseball makes me tired in my soul, music

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