JJ Abrams to direct next Trek film. So I just heard about this, a billion years later.
If they do decide to go with that plot, the casting process is gonna be a three ring circus. Though I'll be over here geeking out at the thought of seeing the young James T. Kirk beat the Kobayashi Maru.
and a question for those watching 24 - SPOILERS FOR THE LAST TWO EPS )
I have no idea how they'll cast Spock, and I'm sort of afraid Naveen Andrews will end up playing a Klingon.
Still. Kobayashi Maru! Kobayashi Maru! (say that 5 times fast)
**laughs** Too old, I think, but if it makes you happy... :P
and I'm sort of afraid Naveen Andrews will end up playing a Klingon.
HA. Maybe Agent Weiss ^_~
I'm calling this Star Trek-Smallville in my head, until I know otherwise.
The same journal also links to the video it came from.
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