Wow, they totally faked me out.
scornedsaint had posited earlier that Michelle was gonna kick the bucket in the first 15 minutes. Once Palmer went down, I thought Michelle and Tony were safe at least until the second hour. Silly me. How is it this show can take out 3 characters I love, and I still adore it? Oh writers, you hurt me so good. Rest in peace, David Palmer. You were a good man. God rest your soul, Michelle Dressler. You served your country honorably. Also? You were the single best female character on this show. (Which, okay, probably isn't such a tremendous accomplishment considering 98% of the women on this show have been EVIL. Dina was cool and all, but she went out like a bitch, and that counts against her in awesome points. Also. She was a terrorist. Whoops. And Sherry overstayed her welcome.) You'll be missed.
Soul Patch is still hanging in there, bless his heart. Also, the Cubs mug made a cameo :-P Yay, Cubs mug.
I love Chloe. For the record. I love the Chloe/Jack dynamic not even in any kind of shippy way. And Jack. The first thing he slaps on when he has to get back in the game? His watch. That's our Jack.
"Get this straight, kid. The only reason you're still conscious is because I don't want to carry you." Ahahaha. Thanks for answering THAT question, Jack.
NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK! Oh Geraint Wyn-Davies...the years have not been kind.
So 30 minutes into any season of 24 one can usually tell whose storyline will be the annoying timewaster you don't care about. This season, we seem to have two: Derek and the First Lady. I'm watching the clock any time they're on screen, and that's not a good thing. Why is it that we must always be subjected to a teen character on this show? Do they really think kids under 21 won't watch unless we have a stupid teen in peril every hour?
Also, I really despise President Logan. And not in that 'bad guy you love to hate' way either. I wish I could hope he would die this season, but the way this show has gone through POTUSes, I don't see that happening. Unfortunately.
Cheers to Audrey for reminding everyone how crazy it is that Jack would turn his back on a lifetime of service to just start murdering his closest friends. Not that any of these hacks are listening to her. Still, I appreciate the effort. But as we well know, nothing convinces like the Sutherland Velvet.
I love Chloe. I do, I do. I love her unfailing faith in Jack. She is the ultimate Mary Sue, and she should bug majorly, but I love her. SHE WINZ.
Though, seriously 24 writers? I'm over people who are close to the President being closet baddies. It happens EVERY SEASON. And since no one will ever do it better than Sherry with her crazy manipulatin' ways, it just makes me yawn.
(ETA: Administrative note -
callmecayce reaction
**coughs** Um, sorry about earlier. Obviously, the sun does not rise and fall on me getting my seasonal dose of Kiefer Sutherland :-P