
Oct 16, 2005 07:33

+ I just checked the Yule update - there's no Eggnog 2005. **sniffs** I should be glad, I'm certainly broke enough. When I made my first pass through, I only wrote down three oils I wanted to try though I had set enough aside for 5 bottles. Passing on Beaver Moon, so the short list right now is Herr Drosselmeyer, Nuclear Winter, Snow Bunny and maaaybe Gingerbread Poppet 2005. And I see OriginalWacky has set up a decant circle just for the new yules! Perhaps I should do that, and if I like anything well enough, there'd be plenty of time to order full bottles. Hmmm. (Anyone had experience with the forum decant circles?) (Actually, justlayentwined has a pick your poison decanting circle set up, and I like that option better. Whoo!)

Btw, if you have bottles from the Poe collection coming (besides The Haunted Place, Alone, and Annabel Lee) soonish and you're interested in swapping for a decant of Lenore, lemme know?

+ The ChiSox are a win away from the Series. This is of the good. (She says, as offspeed bites her tongue). That business with Rogah's mother saying the name Shoeless Joe Jackson three times on the day she died is so weird, yo. The Astros are also up, and hell, suddenly the Cards are looking like the underdog in this fight. Guys dropping like flies out there. I guess I'll root for the Cards today, because I'd like one long LCS :-P

mlb: nlcs 2005, mlb: alcs 2005, bpal

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