Cinderella and the Starcraft Boy

Dec 04, 2010 19:44

Cinderella and the Starcraft Boys

…Why in the world, you didn’t tell me about this and you just left, really left me?...

It remind me of what occurred long time ago. It’s not so big deal, but that really made my life changed. Totally. That morning, I sighed loudly when the alarm clock started to chirp. Ugh, I craved so much lying on the bed, no interest to move a bit.

Hearing a voice of Hyori sunbaenim sang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and I knew, my phone was ringing. Usually, I just let until the caller tired or what and the song ended, but today I tried to gain all my strength to reach my phone on the buffet.

Teuk-ah Calling…..

For a long time, my heart started to tremble a lot. I didn’t want to answer it, because I already knew what would he say. Let me check my inbox. 20 new messages.

Sender : Teuk-ah

Yaa~ Chul-ah! Where the hell are you? Don’t avoid me! Come here in a minute, or I’m going to kill you when I reach the dorm (¬_¬)

Sender : Donghae

Hyung! Are you seriously wont come to the presscon? Are you really ready for the most terrible scandal in tomorrow’s headline?

And there were almost 11 missed calls from another members. Everyone told me to come. Everyone but you. That stupid magnae. The one betrayer. The boy that really don’t know what is the name of friendship, brotherness or bandmates. We are one, but he secretly destroyed all of our dreams. I closed my eyes, tears threatening to fall. Damn, why did I cry for a cruel man like him? Four years… aniyo, five years, I already knew you for five years since the day you showed up on practice room, but this is your retaliation? I’ve always interested in things involving hitting people, and if you’re here, you’re the one that will receive my blessed stroke.

I woke up from the empty bed to the living room. Turning on the TV while there wasn’t anybody around was so pathetic. Historical drama. Cartoon. Cartoon. Advertisement. Mnet Scandal. Advertisement. Bbo bbo bbo. Ya!! There were like a hundred channels but no one of them fit my mood. Dropping the remote on the floor really, followed by a short beeeep. The channel replaced to news. Live report from Super Junior’s Press Conference in SM Building.

“…fans and ELFs who love Super Junior from all over the Asia, beyond Korea… I’m really thankful. I love you all. And I’m sorry. This is my personal decision, so please respect it…” said Kyuhyun on TV. There were Eeteuk, Siwon, Donghae, Shindong and the rest members beside him.

You bastard. You tried to trick people outside, but you couldn’t deceive me with those fake tears, uri magnae.

Super Junior’s Cho Kyuhyun officially leaves the group due to personal reason after the band successfully ended their 5th album comeback. Rumor said that the group’s main singer left because of had some arguments with fellow member, Kim Heechul. But the SME’s representative said that this has nothing to do with the other’s members, this is truly Kyuhyun’s decision.

Some source stated the reason why Kim Heechul didn’t show up during press conference must have because of bad relationship which happened between him and Kyuhyun.

“Our member Heechul couldn’t come here because he is sick. We ten still get a long together. This thing (Super Junior disbandment) wont ever happen, must never happen. Although Kyuhyun isn’t with us on stage, he’s forever Super Junior member. We’ll never break up,” told Eunhyuk.

“Like Eunhyuk-ssi said, there’s no such thing. I hope people especially our fans will understand. We and company has been in a long brainstorming to think about this, and after all, this is the best decision for us. If Kyuhyun-ssi has another choices he wouldn’t choose this, so please always support us even just without Kyuhyun with us,” Shindong added.

With this news revealed, it hasn’t decided whether Super Junior will continue their activities with nine or adding another member to replace Cho Kyuhyun.

My head suddenly felt so much pain and going to explode in a second. That thing came out in my mind…

like a blurry video…

some pieces of scattered slides showing nonstop…

long blowing horn…cloudy day…rain…arkh…

m-my head got dizzier every time I tried to remember it. Or maybe I just accidentally came into contact with weird hallucination or nightmare.

Yeah, maybe something like that happened when you realize your beloved little brother left you suddenly without a goodbye word. It was the first time in my life felt so empty like this because somebody left me.

When my great grandfather passed away last year, I wasn’t cry, just giggled and we lived separated so I couldn’t express so much emotions at that time. I’m not a kid who got hurt easily, ended up crying a lot. I’m strong.

Choco, Eunhyuk-ah’s puppy made a lick on my feet immediately. I didn’t know from where he came from, thinking why Eunhyuk didn’t bring it to the presscon.

“Huh, he will expel me from this dorm~” I thought what will happen if Eunhyuk lost his lovely pet because of me. Yeah, that happened too with both of us.

I always think you’re my little brother who craves so much on me, on my attention. Me and Kyuhyun is one mind in two bodies. That’s what friends are for.

“Oh yea, true friendship is like a sound of health. The value of it is seldom known until it be lost.”

But you’re too much Kyuhyun. Why in the world, you didn’t tell me about this and you just left, really left me? Who am I? You’re my best brotherly-like member, but you seemed think me differently.

Cho Kyuhyun, I didn’t recognize you. I didn’t know y-aaaw…arkh…

my head exploded, that pain hit me again.

And that blurry slide show started to play…

I even don’t know what is that…the blowing horn…car…me…and…Kyuhyun? Spinning continuously.


Three months passed quickly.

“How’s your relationship with Kyuhyun now?”

Stupid question. There were some reporters who still asked that when its already three months oh come on! Kyuhyun Kyuhyun Kyuhyun I’m sick of that betrayer name! Luckily, seemed everybody knew I was sensitive just hearing the name Kyuhyun, so they wouldn’t ask this in front of me, they will ask to the other members.

We’re still Super Junior. Yes, as nine people. Kangin is still doing well on army, Hankyung-ah seemed like he already forgot me, and Kibum-ah… we still meet at practice room. We left the empty seat for Kyuhyun just because someday he will back. Unknown someday.

“Heechul-yah, we have another schedule, be ready!” said Eeteuk.

“Cankkam,” I cut his sentence, looking pointedly at him. I swear I hate people who still talk up about Kyuhyun but I still manage to discuss it with the members. Ugh fail me. “Do you think… Kyuhyun will come back?”

Eeteuk sighed.

“Kyuhyun-ah… you know, he is my mirror. He brings out the best in me. When Hangeng left us in a blink, he was there in my room accompanied me, calmed me, always giving motivation when I’m down or tired…”

Eeteuk gasped and blinked, analyzing what I said just now. He didn’t seem happy. Why did he gasp and moan? After the Kyuhyun leaving incident, he was acting weird. Or he feel the same as me?

“Yaa~! Heechul-ah! Please!! I BEG YOU! Why did you bring that Kyuhyun-thingy again? Stop! Please realize! Open your eyes! Kyuhyun is-“

“Ya ya ya! What is it?” Siwon came, interrupting Eeteuk’s sentence. “Are you mad, hyung?”

“Your hyung talks about Kyuhyun again,” Eeteuk winked at me.

I felt like a stranger. What? What is it? Is this cheerful Super Junior that I know? Is this my happy and hard-working bandmates? They’re all changed. I miss Kyuhyun, so what? HE is forever Super Junior member. One by one our members left the band but why did I feel like the members start to forget him? Start to believe that Super Junior now is nine, there’s nothing to do with Kyuhyun.

I remembered Ryeowook crying like mad man when we heard about Hankyung sudden incident. I remembered Donghae’s tears burst out every time Kibum comes to the practice room watching us did the choreography. I remembered Yesung runny-nose on the day Kangin entered army.

But why did their reaction could be so different towards Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun. He’s already left us.

“Heechul hyung,” said Sungmin. “Do you miss Kyuhyun?”

“Huh? Why did you ask that to me? Aren’t you the closest? KyuMin couple, don’t you remember?” said me.

“I ask you, hyung. If Hyung miss Kyuhyun, call him.” Sungmin handed me his pink i-phone.

“I-I-I…” Confession : I don’t dare. He should the one who calls me.

“Does Kyuhyun miss Hyung?” Yesung sat beside me.

“I don’t know. Nope, he should miss me rite?!”

“If he miss you he will call you. But what? Three months after the case, he doesn’t call you. Stop thinking about him, really.” Eeteuk yelled.

“Ya~! Teuk-ah! Maybe he is so busy with her college-duties? Come on, he’s on his fourth-year and on a preparation for final exam so yeah, maybe next month he will greet us and comeback to Super Junior,” I grinned.

The other members dazed.

Heck, my brain actually working. No need to brain check, even this stupid headache attacked along with the blurry random puzzles.

Blurry weird slide-show again…

What in the world there was car, Kyuhyun and… arkkkh…it’s hurt.


One unread message.

Sender : Kyuhyun-ah


I approached like a child found a candy, using my free hands to get my phone and stared for a long time to the monitor. Geez, after 3 months, this cruel boy sent me a message. What should I reply? What should I say?

Sender : Heenim

To : Kyuhyun-ah

Where are you, betrayer?

Sender : Kyuhyun-ah

To : Heenim

In your heart, kekekeke~ ah, so now I’m hyung’s enemy?

Sender : Heenim

To : Kyuhyun-ah

Our friendship just last long for five years. -___-

Sender : Kyuhyun-ah

To : Heenim

Our friendship last for five years, but our brother-ness last forever. I’m sorry hyung, although I may not be physically with you, but mentally I always there.

Sender : Heenim

To : Kyuhyun-ah

Sigh. 3 months you learn how to be cheesy and greasy?

Sender : Kyuhyun-ah

To : Heenim

Let’s meet up then! I’m going to make hyung fall for me.

Me-meet up? Our magnae wanted to meet me?! Hiyaaa~! My little brother is back! I should tell this to the others.

“Ya ya Teuk-ah~!” I visited the kitchen. Eeteuk there, made a glass of cappuccino. “Good news!”


“Ja~jjaaang! Kyuhyun texted me!”

BRAK! Eeteuk put the glass he held harshly. “Ya! Kim Heechul! Stop lying, okay?”

“I’m not lying! You know what, Kyuhyun said he’s okay and he want to meet me-“

“Heechul hyung, jebal!” Donghae came out from bathroom, maybe hearing our conversation. Suddenly he grabbed my arms. “I knew, definitely I knew you felt so sad after Kyuhyun left us, but please open your eyes! It’s not the right way, accept the reality!”

“AISH!!” Donghae got possessed? “Believe me, Kyuhyun texted me and said he want to meet up. Okay wait, I’m going to take my ph-“

“Kim Heechul!” Shindong following me after turned off the TV.

"Ya! How old are you! What are you thinking using informal language like that!” Ssh, people in this dorm become so weird these morning.

“Chul-ah, Kyuhyun was passed away! Kyuhyun wont meet you up! Yaa, listen to me, Kyuhyun was dead three months ago, what the hell a corpse will sent you a message, huh!” Eeteuk screamed like a crazy person at a loss for what to do.

I fell on the floor.


What did Eeteuk said? K-Kyu-Kyuhyun….AAAARKH!

My headache back, really hurt a lot. Worse than before.

That blurry video, that puzzle suddenly became clearer…one by one… I can remember and I can see… that video… me and Kyuhyun… three months ago in the car…


Three months ago. Rainy morning. In the car.

“Aigoo~! Why does rain have to fall this morning?” I sat calmly on the front upholstery and turned on the wiper. “And why do I have to send you to recording studio?”

“Hyung should,” answered Kyuhyun beside me. He was busy remembering songs that will be presenting on today’s morning shows, that he haven’t done yet due to crowded schedule last night.

I drove the car slowly. “Ya, I will make it faster.”

“Hey, I cant read the lyrics properly~! I will get dizzier. Make it slower!”

“It’s 8AM. The show is live so you must not be late or they will cut you off. Are you not afraid you’ll be late? I’ll drive faster and you can arrive in TV station earlier so you have time to do preparation there. How?”

Kyuhyun smiled. “Sounds good.”

And I stepped clutch-pedal to move the gear. Wuuush~! The car moved fast, but I didn’t realize there were a truck from the front wanted to cut my way. I steered the wheel to the right but there was a luxury Audi. Oh my God, where should I…


All I could hear just Kyuhyun’s screaming. And a loud blowing horn.

After that I didn’t know anything.

The news said, two Super Junior members, Kim Heechul and Cho Kyuhyun involved in a car accident. Kim Heechul is on a critical situation but the youngest  member Cho Kyuhyun found dead on the place.


comment will be very appreciated!

heechul, kyuhyun

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