Jan 22, 2011 17:34
He did it again...
I know there's a freedom to express oneself...
Nothing wrong about that...
And he reveals everything he feels to the public...
but I'm sorry...
with all my respect...
I dont buy your past tragedy...
What already happen in the past is over...
Its time to move on...
You and your new group...
and your so called brothers with theirs...
Some of your supporters maybe get touchy and cries over ur confessions...
But once again... I dont buy self pity...
I'm more content with optimism for the future...
I dont need sweet talks, all I need is actions...
Thats why your so called brothers group is more likely to be loved for me...
And whats the point ???
you want everyone knows how you get treated in the past ?
See... nothing in life is easy...
The higher the mountains, more challenges to be faced...
You loss my respect to be honest...
Your senior is a girl...
young and alone...
Yet she can be strong and overcome her challenges
By herself!!! Alone! Without self pity!!
No accompany...
No brothers/sisters by herside...
But you... *lost my words*
Your self pity has grown into arrogance in my eyes...
Yet I cant hate you...
I just cant...