Oct 11, 2011 15:38
So lately me and my roommate have been obsessed with this game called "Tales of VESPERIA!!!" Yes I have to caps it because when I say it xD I say it in the weird loudest noise every hahah! But anyway we've been obsessed with this game NON STOP D8< xD and omgawd just still love it :). Now I've played Tales of the Abyss before and OMGAWD had a minor obsession with that xD and my minor obsessions are pretty bad apparently haha well compared to an actual obsess like when I had that moment with Okami x3 <3 haha I didn't stop playing it for an entire weekend till I finished it xD so yeah me playing games excessively is pretty big thing haha.
Well anyway :D I recommend the game completely!!! xD Though it lacks a little in story line and character (but that might be because my roommate and I make jokes and voice over the voices while they talk) sooo it's not bad :D it's pretty good. The battle system is very nice too :) efficient and well if you really want to play the tales game I recommend having dedication and time on figuring out the inventory and the moves (artes) and also the skill applications too. Also some of the skills are short cuts if you play as the character :) so that's a benefit to look over the skills :).
BUT WHAT'S REALLY THE BIG THING IS.... TALES OF XILLIA NOT BEING OUT IN AMERICA!!! That is so not fair =A= darn you japan SHARE YOUR TALES SERIES!!! But yeah Xillia won't be out in america T_T for a while :/ or never... it soo better not be never xD I want to play the game and I just got my roommate hooked on it too D8< xD.
Well anyway :D I recommend those games :) they're awesome~ XD
tales of xillia,
tales of the abyss,
tales of vesperia