29th September 2011

Oct 04, 2011 16:52

Rhys is asleep and it is too quiet. I miss Ella so much. I keep closing doors and picking things off the ground so she wont get to them, then I remember.

I hate that it was a rainy day, and I hate that she was in trouble so I had ignored her all day. I hate that I didn't notice her run out.

Was such weird timing that as I was calling her to come and eat Rhys' crumbs there was a knock on my door :(

I am so sorry Ella boo :(  I ALWAYS notice you run out, but I didn't :( You were such a naughty little doglet, and you knew not to run out the front.

I hope you like it at mum's. We will plant a Jacaranda tree over you next week, purple was always your colour.

Rhys keeps looking for her.... I spent the last two weeks trying to get a video of Rhys feeding her, they are both so fucking naughty sometimes (in Ella's case pretty much all the time) and of him chasing her around, and I kept thinking that I had so much time to film it :(

It is going to take months before Ella hairs stop showing up everywhere, which is kind of comforting somehow.

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